Vocabulary Cards [Analogical]

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Apparently this book is number eleven in the analogical tag. Time to embrace that and make even more Analogical stuff! Are ya ready? 


Virgil decided that Logan needs to ditch hisnold vocabulary and get some new ones. As a registered emo Gay of the new Tumblr and IFunny era, Virgil took it upon himself to make a whole stack of new vocabulary for Logan. However he's hidden a secret message inside the cards. He a,so separated based on what they are. Right now, Logan is on abbreviations and acronyms, mostly acronyms. Virgil held up the card that said the word, definition on the back towards him so Logan couldn't see it. Virgil was cringing just thinking about this one. He was starting to regret his decision.

"MILF, M-I-L-F. As I recall it has something to do with mothers and the way mamas reproduce. Mother..... mother something..."

Logan was trying to remember what a MILF is. Virgil knows the order of the cards. The next one is going to be DILF. Virgil was trying not to blush and biting his lip backwards to prevent himself from getting agitated or anything. He was having some serious regret. The bitlife meter would be all the way full and red with regret. Virgil waited patiently for Logan to get what the acronym means. No luck. Logan huffed out a sigh and held his hand out, nonverbally asking for the flashcard. Virgil handed it over to him and he might as well facepalmed himself with that look of utter stupidity written all over his face. It made Virgil get that side smirk he was so famous for within the famdom.

"Mom I'd Like to Fuck. I should have known. Virgil, you should really censor these terms in case Patton eats a hold of these."

The fact Logan was taking this whole ordeal seriously was hilarious. Virgil snickered and took back the card. He can use a purple pen to fix it, he wrote that card in blue anyways. He put the card in the pile to the right of him. Cards on the right are to be reviewed again after Logan goes through the stack. Cards on the left of him are already memorized. Only about five cards were in the memorized pile. Virgil held up the Next one. Logan should know this one. It's literally one word different from the previous card and he said the definition of the acronym out loud. Come on Logan!

"DILF. D-I-L-F. Ah, I get it. This is the masculine version of the previous term, therefore this term means 'Dad I'd Like to Fuck'. Correct?"

Virgil nodded, feeling the pressure and anxiety for him to understand what he was implying start to kick in. Virgil took a sharp inhale before taking that card and placing it to his left. The next one was an acronym people use on a daily basis, including him. In about three cards or maybe even less Logan hound understand why he offered to help in the first place. Virgil tired at Logan, who repositioned his glasses in hopes of reading what the card says. Virgil's heart was pounding in his chest. His arms were sweaty under his hoodie, his legs suffering the same fate under his tight skinny jeans. Logan cleared his throat and try to identify this vocabulary term.

"ILY. I-L-Y. I believe this one connects with an emotion beginning with the word L? This one has to be 'I love you', Virgil."

Cue endless internal screaming. Ignoring context and punctuation, Logan essentially just told Virgil that he loves him. Virgil knows that Logan doesn't experience emotions much or well and he prefers to stray away from things like that, however just sharing those words in that order was enough to turn him into Elizabeth Schuyler. Helpless, down for the count and drowning in it. Virgil took the card and secretly made a new pile behind the one on the left of him. He had a plan for that new little secret pile. After two more cards he was going to do it. Virgil held up the next card, face completely red and his anxiety coursing through his veins. Logan took no time at all to answer the next card.

"ILYSM. I-L-Y-S-M. It's a simple addition to add even more meaning to the previous vocabulary term. It means 'I love you so much'. Virgil, is there's a reason you're giving me these terms in a specific order? I can't help but notice that you're persoerating more than usual And you're suffering some minor symptoms of anxiety. Should I get you a glass of water real quick if you're about to have a panic attack?"

Virgil shook his head abruptly, he can't have Logan leave now! Virgil can deal with a little bit of short breaths and a little bit more heat. It was worthy it to finally get this off his chest. 

"I'm fine, Logan. Trust me, I'll be fine when the swelling goes down. I want to do one more card before we take a break anyways. This one goes with the other two. I'll give you them in case you need them. Now, I want you to think very carefully about this term. This one is kind of tricky. Are you ready, Logan?"

Logan cocked an eyebrow and nodded. Virgil took yet another sharp inhale and prolonged it to try and steady his heart rate. Virgil feels like that kid straight-not-straight-because-he's-gay out of In a Heartbeat. Virgil hoped that he could get the same happy ending with Logan. Virgil handed Logan her ILY and the ILYSM vocabulary cards before looking one last time at this card. It wasn't a vocabulary term at all. It was a confession. Well, his confession in an acronym. Logan likes mind games, so Virgil decided to make a mind game out of it. Virgil looked at Logan's eyes, trying to filter a reaction so far. All he got was confusion and curiosity. Virgil squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see his face in case he gets rejected. His heart began to swell up.

"LILY. L-I-L-Y. Since we are doing acronyms I would assume this doesn't mean the flower. ILY means I love you, however there's an extra L on the front... what could possibly start with L at the front of that phrase? Based on context, it must be a name. A name... L..."

Silence. Virgil dropped the cards and hugged his knees, feeling the tears break down the dam in his eyes. His chest began to swell, pulsing almost unbearable pain throughout his entire body. Was this heartbreak?  He messed up, didn't he? He messed up really bad. Virgi, flinched and cringed towards himself harder when he felt physical contact. A hand, brushing his fringe away from his deep crimson face. Crimson from crying and crimson from blushing so hard. He glances upwards. That was a mistake. It was Logan, and he had an even more stoic face that ever. He fixed his glasses and averted his gaze once his eyes met Virgil's. If Virgil's vision wasn't blurry with tears, he would have seen the Fix-it-Felix honeyglow on his cheeks.  

"The term is Logan, I Love You, correct? If that is the case, Virgil. Then VILY. V-I-L-Y. I apologize immensely. I'm no good with... feelings."

VILY.... that was very smart. Logan catches on quickly. Virgil was still crying. He couldn't stop. However, his chest wasn't in pain anymore. Virgil extended a hand and Logan took it. They both ignored the index cards, not scattered among the floor, and they sat down together. They had their fingers entwined and Virgil kept his eyes closed, not wanting to let any more waterworks run. Virgil felt a warm sensation on his cheek for only a millisecond.

"I love you, Virgil."

That's all he really needed to hear.

1294 Words

I had the idea and I went with it. I hope you enjoyed this.

Confessing you like someone is hard, but trust me when I say it feels a million times better just to say it and get rejected than to bottle it up. Find whatever courage you have and just tell that person. Every emotion needs to be expressed so the hormones can be released  both positive and negative. Just do it, it's really the best thing you can do. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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