I Don't Like You! Baka! [Prinxiety] (Cofee Shop AU)

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Okay, with that title we ALL know what's going on. Let's just dive right into it. And yes, it's Prinxiety. I know people love this ship and the idea I have fits it the best. Let's just dive in!


Roman has a little bit of a problem. See, Roman is a college student working to become a Film Director and/or Actor at Orlando College. He's from Gainesville but he moved to Orlando because Disney. What was the problem then? Well every day a little kitten finds his way into his Starbucks and he's hella cute. Roman doesn't know two things: A: if he's gay, or B: if he's interested in a relationship because Roman finds himself falling more and more in love with him every time he walks in. And yes, he did specify his pronouns before so you can't tell him he's assuming his gender.

Ah, speak of the devil and an Angel appears~ Another college student from Orlando wearing black headphones over his ears and a purple hoodie around his waist walked in, looking around. Instantly, he made eye contact with Roman. Roman instantly was put on flirty confident mode. Roman sent him a wink and a blow kiss. The way his face went entirely pink was adorable. His name was Virgil, but when he makes his drink he normally writes something cute like 'Kitten' or 'Precious'. Roman never really had the courage to put his phone number on one of the cups, even though that was probably the best thing he could do if he wanted to detention the socially awkward emo boy.

"Welcome back, Kitten~ I was getting kind of lonely without you. I thought you weren't going to stop by this morning~"

Roman used his best voice, wanting to impress smol bean tm. He rolled his eyes to brush it off like he doesn't care, but literally every other mode of body language was telling Roman that he was flustered at his comment. Score! Roman practically knew exactly what he wanted, but he waited to hear it from him. He doesn't get to hear his quiet little voice often so he wanted to make sure he gets to hear that music. He cleared his throat and tried his best to order confidently. He's so adorable Roman wants to pinch his cheeks!

"Vente Chcolate Chip Frappechino, Decaf."

Roman jotted that down in the register and rang him up. Normally girls order that drink because of their periods or whatever. One of the many reasons Roman was glad to be a boy. Roman flashed a smile at Virgil.

"Four twenty nine, I'll get that to you as soon as I can."

Let's flip to Virgil's mind because we can! Virgil's heart was beating extremely fast as he got the money out of his wallet. He could feel his face by burning up. Social Anxiety plus having s crush on a cute and flirtatious barista WHILE ALSO being super gay isn't good for his heart. He got a five dollar bill and handed it to Mister Handsome. His hand brushed his as he handed the dollar bill over. Instantly blood pressure spiked and tsundere Virgil was activated. He couldn't find his words at all.

"S-sorry I didn't mean, uh, keep the change! I don't care anyways."

Virgil walked over to the other side of the bar so he can wait for his drink. Virgil was scolding himself in his head for being so freaking awkward. He heard Sir Cutie laugh and walk over to husband little station where me makes his drink. Virgil sighed and pulled out his phone. He's been planning on asking this guy to hang out. He knew his name, it was Roman. He still had the napkin he gave to him, introducing himself. He takes pictures of every cup he gets from Roman because it's something original every time, but most of the time it's something involving calling him a cat. He love-hated it. His friends teased him all the time for that and his little crush. Virgil whipped out and began to text one of his friends while he waited.

🌙Virge⭐️: Pat, I'm here. No other customers and he is alone on his shift, I don't think I can do it.

🦋2Pure4DisWorld🦋: Come on Virgil! We've been practicing for hours last night what you're going to say! I'm sure he will say yes!

🌙Virge⭐️: What if he isn't into me? What if he is straight? What will I do then? I really like this guy but my pride and anxiety is in the way... I wish I had you with me.

🦋2Pure4DisWorld🦋: Logan, Remy, De, and I are always here for you If it doesn't work out. Don't forget that this isn't the end of the world. It's one guy. Breathe in, count to six, breathe out, count to eight.

Virgil did his breathing exercise and shoved his phone back in the back pocket of his ripped, black skinny jeans. Virgil refocused on Roman, who had a sharpie cap between his teeth and he was scribbling away his message of the day on the cup. Virgil noticed he noticed he was staring. Virgil looked away abruptly, blushing madly. He can't do this. There's no way he can do this. Virgil tried his breathing exercise again. In, one two three four five six. Out, one two three four five six seven eight. Okay. He just needs to remember to breathe. It's just a boy. A cute, flirty, hot, caring, probably huggable boy.

"Here you go, Kitten. Just the way you like it~"

Let's go back to Roman's perspective because we're around nine hundred words at this point! Roman actually managed to write his phone number on the cup. It took some mental fighting with himself, but he finally managed to do it. Roman watched for s reaction carefully, trying not to break his confident persona and scare him away. He watched carefully as he flicked out his phone and slowly began typing in the numbers. The screen flashed his way. He was creating a new contact for him? Roman felt his heart flutter. He probably shouldn't have his phone... but... he took it out anyways. He waited to get his first text from Virgil.

Unknown Number: Hey, it's me. Virgil. 

Roman instsntly created a contact for Virgil. Roman looked up at Virgil, who wouldn't meet his eyes. He was busy typing something else. It must be a long message because his thumbs are working. He kept deleting words and adding new ones until he finally sent the message.

💜Kitten💜: I was wondering if you're free Saturday. Women of Marwin is playing at the Cinemark at Twelve and I can preorder tickets.

A date? Roman was read to explode! Roman couldn't wipe the smile off his face, like in the first dance number of the Muppet's Movie! Everything was perfect and it was falling into place! Roman couldn't be happier! He was so thankful he decided to put his phone number on the cup. Virgil was watching him dumbfoundedlt stare at his screen. Roman decided that he would give Virgil, his little Kitten, a verbal answer like he deserved. Roman etched over the counter and grabbed his chin, forcing emo boi to look him directly in the eyes.

"I would love nothing more than to go on a date with you~"

Extra Crack Ending:

Virgil slammed the door to his dorm open.


Logan was pissed at him.


Patton was squealing.

"Did he say yes!? Oh my god he said yes!"

Virgil was beaming for the rest of the day.

1250 Words

That crack ending I just did because I could. I just wanted to lol. I thought this was a cute idea after seeing the animatic above. I totally recommend watching it and the YouTuber who drew it.

Even small gestures could mean something to someone. Remember the little things, cause they are important. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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