Confessabear [Moceit]

342 21 17

When you watch Spongebob and recognize that title. Lol. This was an idea given to me by Pengi11 the wonderous and amazingly talented and beautiful and perfect . Let's all give them a giant internet hug Rn. Three, two, one... NOW!!! SHARE THE LOVE FAMDERS!!! Mwah!


Patton hugged the teadybear and sat down on his bed. This was the same teddy bear that Deceit got him for his birthday. Well, the birthday the Famders had given him with his first real appearance in a video. The most recent birthday actually. The one since he became a character in the series and had been starting to integrate himself into the world of the sides more. Patron cannot be separated from the teddy bear. He named it Rey Filipé, King Phillip in English. Why? Because King Phillip was one of the original characters Patton made up with Roman based off of Deceit's whole aesthetic he had. A villain he turns out to be a hero. PAtton squeezed Rey Filipé to his chest, sighing.

"I'm doing it again, aren't I Filipé? I can't control my emotions very well like Logan or Virgil, heh heh... you always listen to my problems. Would you mind if I told you a few more?"

The well loved bear in desperate need for a run through the wash didn't say a word. It wasn't a living creature. The little Teddy King didn't reply, but the black orb eyes were comforting to Patton, as if saying "of course I'll listen to you, Patton. I will always be here for you!"  Patton hugged the bear Close and let out a melancholy sigh. Of course, his issue struck close to the heart. It was a problem with love. Not with who Thomas loved, oh no he was single right now. But with who HE loved. Patton was concerningly worried and making himself sad over his hopeless crush. It's pitiful, really.

"I'm in love with him. Like, I really really love him. I just want to run into his arms and have him hold me and kiss me on the forehead and tell me he loves me. I'm really sappy and cliché, aren't I? I'm a hopeless romantic, aren't I? I wish I could control what I feel. I'm the heart. I should have that ability, right?"

Deceit was walking by and heard a voice coming from Patton's room. He was talking louder than he must've thought. Being the sneaky and sleazy little bastard he was, he leaned close the door and kept an ear out. He didn't hear anyone else's voice and detected sadness in his tone. Being a entity of deception he had been trained to detect a lie from a truth, extending to the body language and one of voice to decipher whatever the true emotion is behind every action/word. Deceit had grown to be quite the curious cobra. He eyes Logan as he walked by and listened in to Patton's one-Sides conversation. 

"But I love him. I love him so much it hurts. I wish I could just blame it on Roman like I did with Thomas's Last mini crush on Dominic that ended up with a killer friendzone but this one is all on me. It's my crush and I don't think I can deal with that even though I want him so bad. I wouldn't know where to start. But I love him."

Deceit was quite intrigued by this. So Patton was in love with someone and was feeling helpless but in a bad way. Not Eliza helpless but Michael helpless. Deceit wanted to know who this man was in the mindspace. He had grown quite fond of the only side who had given him a warm welcome. If it was him, he would storm right into that bedroom and kiss patron so hard his lips would turn that shade of baby blue he loves so much. Deceit felt a tug at his cold heart, warming up at the possibility of being loved. He didn't even realize he was crossing his yellow gloved fingers underneath his cape. There was a long pause and silence. Come on, Patton. Say the name. Say who you are in love with damnit! 

Patton was on the verge of tears, however. His chest hurt and was growing cold with all the images racing to fill his eyes of being rejected. Hearing the sharp tongue impale him, those eyes stinging his soul, and even being physically pushed away. There were so many failures. Patron didn't know how to be romantic! That was all Roman! He just knew how to love and be all squishy and adorable. He didn't know how to make a move or do any romantic gestures or anything. He only knows what to do when in a relationship, not how to start one. He looked over at the group picture of him and all the core sides. The one he loved was missing. It will feel so much better when he lets it out, right?

"I love Deceit."

There it was. Deceit let the smirk overgrow and pollute his face on both human and reptilian sides. He disregarded the fact that Logan had been walking by again and he threw open the door, not bothering to close it. He ran inside and watched Patton gasp, dropping the same teddy bear that's he had given him before. Deceit was smiling purely, so happy and warm. He picked Patton up under the arms like a cat and spun him around, laughing for the first time in forever. Patton's shocked expression turned into a surprised smile, tears escaping the corners of his eyes. What was Patton supposed to feel? What was going on? Deceit grinned and set him down on his feet, Holding his shoulders down. Everything was happening so fast, neither of them noticed Logan standing in the doorway... observing. But not in a jealous way. He's aroace.

"You love me."

Deceit said bluntly, but in context it wasn't weird at all. Patton just nodded, feeling the excitement radiate off of Deceit onto him. Patton's eyes went wide and all the air was knocked out of him as Deceit brought him forward and passionately placed a quick kiss on his lips. Oh shoot, he forgot to ask for consent. That's important. He's going to have to remember to do that's next time. Patton gasped for air the second they split apart and both of the, ere smiling like goofball idiots.

"I love you! Can you kiss me again please?"

Yep, there's his consent. Deceit chuckled and dipped him after a twirl, kissing him yet again. Logan rolled his eyes and left the room, silently closing the door behind him. With that little confession display, they light to be busy for a while. Roman and Virgil weren't with anyone but themselves for two weeks after they formed a relationship. Roman is really clingy, and Logan knows Patton is too. Logan sighed and walked back to his room. He isn't one for romance or relationships. He'd rather just be on his own like the work oriented side he is. He is happy with his platonic relationships. However... Logan does have a guilty pleasure. 

Logan pulled out a journal out of a drawer locked by key and combination. He opened the journal and circled the correct option next to the hypothesis that read Deceit and Patton will end up together after some sort of cliché confession scene similar to Roman and Virgil's. Logan was a hardcore shipper. Moceit was his second OTP. Logan let a phantom smile play at his lips as he locked the journal away again. Now... where was that checkerboard? He owes a game of checkers to Virgil.

1230 Words

Idk man. I just went ahead and did it. I'm very inspired for a million things at once and y'all are good people who know the drill so just be happy and ilysm internet hugs and blow kisses


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