We're Dating, Right? [Moxiety] (Genderbend AU)

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We have so many talented cosplayers in this famdom. I'm so proud of everyone for whatever they contribute.

Also for the video (please watch it) go tell Jacky that you want her YouTube channel to keep going on instagram by @ting her at jay_cee31 and DMing her "Keep your channel going!" Or "Do another Baking Video!" Of even "Do a Truth or Dare with your friends!" Thanx in advance <3


Poppy and Vicky have sleepovers all the time. They've been best friends forever and they promised to be so. Poppy made friendship bracelets and she is the most hyper, cute, and amazing girl that Vicky has ever met.

 Vicky is that emo girl with dyed hair that got cut short to prove how much of an edgy lesbian she is. Poppy helps paint Vicky's nails and they listen to music together. Even though Vicky loves emo music, Patton's cute lofi HipHop music is nice too.

Tonight was a normal sleepover like they always do, but tonight is different. It's seven o'clock at night and the two girls were watchin Disney movies on the couch while Poppy's Dads are in the dining room talking about life and welcoming one back home. 

Mister Marshall and Mister Boris are really nice, no wonder why Poppy grew up to be a wonderfully nice girl. The catch was that Poppy was hugging onto Vicky, causing her to have some gay panic.

Vicky didn't even pay attention to the movie. She was just watching Patton squeal and cry and mumble under her breath all along with the movie. It was so adorable and it made Vicky have some fear.

 Was she in love with her best friend? How would Poppy feel about this?! Poppy had caught her staring a few times and Vicky would look away quickly, blushing. Poppy would giggle and look back at the television.

The movie ended and Poppy turned off the Netflix. She didn't let go of Vicky's Arm. Poppy didn't look still her and they just sat there for a little while. Finally, Poppy decided to say something to stsrt the weirdest yet not most stereotypical lesbian conversation ever.

"Vicky, we're dating right?"

Vicky flinched, not expecting that. She whipped her head over st the long haired girl with twin braids and adorkable glasses, she was squeezing her arms and looking a little bit insecure. Mister Marshall and Mister Boris also we're paying attention.

"I mean, we always hang out and you're always blushing around me. We hold hands and go to dinner together alone sometimes and we go shopping alone together and we're always alone together. I just assumed we were girlfriends. Are we girlfriends?"

Vicky had no idea what to feel. Poppy was insecure because of her, which was not something Vicky liked, but she also had her crush openly say she's loved her so that's good. Vicky looked back at the Dads, Marshall ready to stab a bitch and Boris nodding at her as approval. Vicky smiled and placed her hand on the side of Poppy's face.

"Yeah. We're girlfriends. We're dating. This is a movie date if that makes you happy. Whatever makes you happy, I'm cool with."

Poppy grinned and beamed at hearing that. Good. She isn't sad nor insecure anymore. That's all that mattered. Even though Vicky's Heart was racing a thousand Miles per hour because she just aquired the best girlfirend in the entire world.

There was a moment of silence of them just sitting there. Comfortable for Poppy and awkward for Vicky. The two girls ended up enticing their fingers and Poppy leaned her head on Vicky's shoulder. Poppy then spoke again.

"I love you Vicky."

Vicky grinned, always wanting to hear her best friend say that.

"I love you more, Poppy."

550 Words

Bonuses ending

"Come oooooooooooon Panic at the Everywhere! It's an adorable story!"

"Sh-Shut up! I know you ship me and Patton but this is ridiculous!"

Virgil and Roman, two enemies that ended up becoming best friends we're bickering over a short story Roman wrote. Roman insisted that Vicky and Poppy weren't Patton and Virgil but the resemblence was uncanny. Virgil was crossing his arms, embarrassed and mad because of it, while Roman was enjoying being a troll. 

"I think the story is really cute."

Suddenly, a Wild Patton appeared. Virgil flinched and jerked himself around to see Patton tending in the doorway, holding a teddy bear and smiling. He walked into the room and gave a high five to Roman. As this entire thing planned!? Now Virgil as beyond pissed at his best friend. How dare he go behind his back! But he forgot all his anger when Patton was right in front of him, happy as could be.

"Virgil, I love you."

Virgil.exe has crashed. But that's Logan's job! Virgil just looked between his crush and best friend, unsure of what to do. Then he felt Patton's hand slide into his own and everything instantly became okay. Virgil took a deep breath to try and calm down his anxiety, Patton holding his hand helping a lot too. Finally, he gathered the courage to act like Vicky in that story.

"I love you more, Patton."

775 Words

I don't care about the word count today. That was cute and nobody can tell me otherwise.

I'm serious about going to get @jay_cee31 on instagram to continue her YouTube channel. Seriously, go check it out it's really fun like that video above the chapter. She thinks her channel is dead (it kinda is) but I wanna revive it!

Thank you for reading! I love you guys! Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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