Peeping Tom [Logince] (Roommates AU)

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This is actually a request made by Cake_Herron I waited to do until I had a few in between the last Logince. I hope this is good. 


Roman and Logan were roommates in college. They shared an apartment because they don't trust the people who live in the dorms. Roman is an art student and Logan is a medical student. How they are on the same campus? Imagine the aliens meme but with the word university as the meme instead. Logan right now is in the shower while Roman was walking back into the apartment after a portfolio progress check with the professor. Roman sat down his tote bag and flopped down on his bed. It was a long day for Roman. He woke up really dang early to make sure he got enough pieces for the full grades done.

That's when Roman smelled his name own breath. It was after a long sigh did his own nose hairs dissolve, making him start the mustache he desperately wanted to get all over again. He needed to brush his teeth and he needed to do so ASAP. Roman didn't know that Logan was in the shower, and their apartment is old as balls so the bathroom door doesn't lock, so Roman just went ahead and swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up groggily. Roman made his way to the bathroom and opened the door. Walking in and shutting it behind himself before he noticed the steam and the water running.

Oh crap he's done. But he didn't care. He should be able to brush his teeth and go by the time Logan is done with his shower, right? Logan sometimes forgets what he's doing in the shower and scalds himself to death, lost in thought. That was a hyperbole. Duh. Roman fumbled himself to get his toothbrush and squirt the toothepaste on it, virgorously scribbing his teeth just to get it over with and violently spitting it out in the sink. He didn't care that his gums were bleeding from brushing way too hard. He quickly washed it down and threw the brush back where it belonged, lunging to the door. He turned the knob.

It's stuck. His blood went cold and he heard the water turn off from the shower. He's done. He's a goner. Roman didn't turn around. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he just kept his eyes on the door, condensation from the steam dripping down his forehead. He braved himself to be slapped, hit, or any other sort of physical violence. After a moment Roman turned around, wondering if this was all just his imagination. 

Logan finished wiping off his glasses answer placed them on the bridge of his nose. He had no towel for modesty. He was standing in front of Roman in his birthday suit. He had no shame. He just looked Roman dead in the eye. Logan cleared his throat, since Roman was obviously not going to speak.

"You couldn't wait for a moment, could you?"

Roman felt himself flush deep red. He was caught. He was waiting for a pu ishment, cringing and clenching his teeth together. His eyes couldn't help but drift downwards, breaking the awkward eye contact from his smarter roommate. Damn. He was really well hung. He had abs. Roman did not expect Logan to be the type of person to work out. Roman controlled his homosexuality and regained his eye contact with a sharp breath, his heart racing with anxiety. This has to be the worst roommate story he had. What's worse is that Logan has no shame at all, so he just started saying even more embarrassing things.

"I'm surprised this hadn't happened sooner. As roommates awkward scenarios are bound to happen. Plus we are both androphilic men so it's only natural to have some sort of curiosity at what we both appear as without the constrictions of our clothing."

Wow, this feels just like having your parent catching you jacking off to gay porn as a teenager. Just as embarrassing. Roman just kept trying to get the door to budge as Logan reached over for his boxers and jeans, deciding he was going to wear those first. He didn't even dry his hair properly, that nerd. Roman let out a big groan. That door isn't budging. He grabbed the towel Logan placed on the counter and after he slipped his pants up and used it to dry his hair. Stupid dork can't even dry his hair properly. Logan's always sleep deprived these days. And way too literal. It's hard to admit he cared for him sometimes.

"Whatever. Just forget this and learn how to dry your hair for once, Specs. You're going to catch a cold. Maybe then you'll finally learn to get some sleep."

Roman didn't know why he cared so much. Logan can't learn to take care of himself even though he's the smartest person in this entire university. Roman didn't need notice how Logan was just staring at him with adoration in his moment. Roman stopped ruffling his hair with the towel and folded it nicely, placing it on the counter. He grabbed Logan's shirt and tie and gave them to him. Forget modesty because Roman had already seen him in all his naked glory. It's almost like he wasn't the peeping Tom in this situation.

"Put on your shirt and tie and hello me figure out how to get this door un-jammed. I need to finish my portfolio by the end of the month and you need to get to class in about an hour."

Roma muttered sowmthing under his breath about him being the responsible one for once and turned around towards the door. How does he get this door knob to turn and open!? Logan quickly finished getting dressed after his shower and motioned for Roman to step aside. Roman gladly did and muttered something like 'be my guest' as Logan turned the knob and opened the door like that. That whole emotional moment of Roman being the stressed adult was just washed down the drain because now he just seemed like a total pervert. Roman had his jaw practically on the ground while Logan silently snickered to himself.

"Roman, wat a snickers. You're responsible when you're hungry."

Moral of the story? Logan is a little shit.

1054 Words

I really wanted to go for a comedy. I read a prompt from tumblr and I shrugged and said this was fine. I hope I got a laugh or two from y'all.

Also, you do remember that I take requests right? I feel like you guys forget I take requests. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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