Good Morning, Sunshine [Moceit] (Anniversary AU)

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I'm in love with using other languages right now and headcannon that since Logan knows Simmish and Roman knows Spanish that Deceit would know Arabic. I will type out the English letters of everything You don't worry. I also have how to pronounce it right next to It. I won't tell you what it means though! 😈😈😈 


Deceit woke up with the right side of the bed gone. Where was Patton? Normally Pattoon was still asleep when Deceit woke up. Of course, he could try to be sneaky and make some plans. Today is their anniversary after all. But Deceit already had the best plans made. He can't Patton's take over his because this wa special. Five year special of marriage? Super special. He gotnput of bed and looked around for something decent to wear. He settled for a long sleeved yet shoulderless sqeater of a shirt with a picture of two snakes forming a heart on it and some classic jeans. Patton was always bugging him to wear cuter and brighter colors. Yellow and bright green was porbably the best he was going to get.

Deceit walked out of the bedroom and instantly smelled chocolate. Patton was making his special chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes he only makes for birthdays and holidays, wasn't he? Of course. That's his thing. Maybe Deceit can startle him. Deceit slithered into the kitchen and noticed Patton was in his own little world again, smiling and singing that one Annie song under his breath that he loves so much. Deceit walked up right behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his head against his shoulder. Patton jumped a bit, but he didn't make a sound. He turned and saw Deceit smirking at him.

"Sabah Jamil, Jru~" //Sah-Bah|Ha-Ji-Me-Lon|Gyo\\

Patton giggled  knowing a few words from Deceit's favorite forieng language. He turned around in his arms after setting down the gooey spatula on the counter. Deceit grinned as Patton wasted his forehead againsr his, giving him the consent to kiss him. They've discussed actions of consent so they don't make things awkward, pressing forhesds together was their sign of consent for a kiss as well as a squeeze of the hand and making a heart out of your fingers. Deceit took the memoir and leaned forward further, pressing a gentle kiss onto his husband of five whole years' lips. When they pulled apart, gasping for air because Deceit is such s good kisser, Patton started the conversation.

"Happy Anniversary Darling! I'm making pancakes! I assumed you had plans even though you told me over and over again you didn't so this is pretty much all I had planned. Ha ha..."

Patton laughed half nervously and half like he didn't care. No matter what, he was cute. He was Deceit's cute husband. He didn't mind in the slightest. He did have plans. Big plans. A giant lunch date and a walk in the park and then he wanted to go to the animal shelter and let Patron pick out any two pets of his desire. Deceit already had a snake chosen and ready to be picked up, but Patton always said that a dog needs another dog to be around and keep company when they aren't there so Deceit placed a contract for two dogs to adopt instead of one. See, he remembers. Despite that, Deceit laughed it off and rolled his eyes.

"I don't have any big plans, but I have one or two things I was hoping to get to do with you. I just want to be with my Jru today~." //Gyo\\

Patton giggled again, but squirmed to get out of Deceit's grasp. Oh, right. He has to go and make the Pancakes. He needs to focus on that and not on him. Deceit paused his lips and let him go, understanding but still being a bit venomous about it. Deceit left the kitchen so Patton could do his thing and he flopped on the couch in the livingroom, which was openly connected to both the kitchen and the dinning room. He took a blue gel pen and rolled up his sleeve  writing down times and locations for everywhere he needs to be today. Deceit smiled and glanced over the counter at Patton, who went back to signing under his breath as he made stacks and stacks of delicious fluffy pancakes. He was going to give him the best Annoversaary he could ever have.

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