Story of Tonight [LAMP +D] (College AU)

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Wholesome feelings all around. Spread positivity. Only good vibes here. Smile, it looks gorgeous on you.


Deceit stood at the balcony of the apartment. Finals week was finally over and one of his boyfriends, Roman, invited the entire quintet relationship over to his apartment for a party. You know, stuff like spin the bottle and seven minutes in Heaven after eating half a pizza each at minnimum and drinking all the sparkling cider you can because Patton refuses to let anyone drink any alcohol. His boyfriends were amazing and adorable, Deceit was out here wondering how he could be blessed with such men as wonderful as them, especially when he refuses to reveal his true name.

"Enjoying the moon a bit too much, Dee? There's a party in there who want to shower you with so much affection it's disgusting. I would theorize that would be most enjoyable no to someone with your background."

Deceit turned around and saw Logan, sliding the door to the apartment back closed with a wine glass full of what looked like actual wine in it. Did he sneak some past Patton or did he just get some grape juice? The world may never know. Logan was the smartest of the bunch, having skipped several grades and being the youngest one in their relationship. Logan walked up to Deceit, deciding to give him a taste of what was awaiting him when he got back inside, and he pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. Deceit stared at Logan, trying to read his impossible expression through his eyes, hiding behind his glasses. What was this intelligent man thinking? What was he hissing behind those lenses?

"Regardless, all four of us are waiting on your arrival. Roman bought a cake and refuses to give Virgil nor Patton a slice until you join us at the table. Don't ask why he bought a cake, he's Roman."

Deceit snickered, causing Logan to get a triumphant smirk before walking back to the sliding door, connecting the balcony to the room. Logan held it open, looking at Deceit and waiting for him to follow suit. Deceit glanced one more time at the full moon, not saying a word as he took Logan's gentlemanly gesture to his advantage. He returned to the room to see the three circled around the table, Roman holding a knife and trying to keep it away from Virgil who was trying to get it to cut the cake. Virgil does rash things when he's sleep deprived, and that just comes with finals week no matter who you are. Patton was the first of the trio to notice Deceit's rearrival.


Deceit heard Logan are his turn to snicker as Roman and Virgil both whipped themselves around to make sure it was true. Neither of them said a word and they ran to the cake, probably not the best idea when one of them is holding  giant knife, and began carving it up like a Halloween Pumpkin or Thanksgiving Turkey. Deceit followed Logan yet again to take a seat at the table. Both sat on each side of Patton, taking the left and right respectively. Deceit found himself in between Patton and Virgil, Roman sitting between Virgil and Logan. If you don't understand who is sitting where at this point, it's your loss.

 Everyone ended up with a slice of cake and both boys on Deceit's sides began digging in. Roman was savoring his slice and Logan was taking a picture of his cake. Oh, wait. Logan doesn't take foodpics. He remembered seeing many photos of whichever boyfriend he was with at the time eating. Deceit made a peace sign for Logan's surprise picture, getting a soft chuckle out of him. Deceit smiled and looks down a tree his dessert. He wasn't a big Father of sweets or chocolate fan, but he would eat some in moderation. He would probably give the rest to the boys. However, Deceit wanted to address something. He's had this on his mind for a while now and he really felt like he had to say it. He took his fork and tapped it against the glass, trying to get everyone's attention. Deceit never spoke often, his undescribed background being a primary reason why, but when he didn't have something to say his boyfriends were sure to listen.

"Raise a Glass to all of us, we've done well to get past another semester and stick together. Thank you all for being here with me and loving me. I wish I could give you all the same ammount of happiness you gave to me. Raise a Glass to love, a toast to all five of us."

Silence for a moment. Was it too much? Did he go to cliché with it? Deceit knew it was cheesy and had been rehearsing what he wanted to say in his head many times over and over again. Deceit looked around, searching for a response in any of his four boyfriends. To the surprise of everyone, Patton was the first one to pipe up. He quickly leaned over and pressed a kiss to Deceit's cheek and held out his glass in the center, tilting it and starting the five-way toast to the boys.

"A toast to the five of us! Here here!"

Now this went from serious to something out of a Mad Hatter tea party. The remaining boys tilted their cups in and clinked glasses. Deceit felt a smile spread across his face, matching everyone else's at this round table. Deceit couldn't help but try and revise what he was saying in his head. Raise a glass to freedom, something they can never take away, no matter what they tell you. That's when it hit him. He literally just quoted Hamilton didn't he? Deceit glanced at Roman, who was giggling to himself and smiling. He made eye contact with Deceit. Roman was nodding and Deceit started nodding too, not knowing why but he felt he should go along with it. That's when Deceit felt someone squeeze his right hand. He turned his head and suddenly Virgil pecked his lips. Roses are red, cacti are prickly, damn, that escalated quickly!

"Thank you DeeDee. Thank you for uniting us and making our relationship whole. You're an amazing person and we all love you, don't forget it."

Where was this coming from? Wherever it was coming from it made Deceit's hearts feek very warm to feel this words. That's when he noticed Virgil and Patton were both eyeing his cake. Deceit rolled his eyes, letting out a huff of air. He grabbed his clean fork and split the slice in half, giving one half to Virgil and one half to Patton. He made sure to give the most frosting to Virgil because he's one of those weirdos who actually like the frosting from Kroger's Cakes. Seriously, that frosting is just nasty. Both were beaming with happiness and started shoveling their faces again. Deceit decided to excuse himself, finding no real need to stay. He said what he wanted to, he got several kisses. He felt very content.

Deceit found himself on the balcony again, however he didn't heard the sliding door open and close behind him. He didn't realize that Logan was to his left and Roman was to his right. He only noticed their presence when they both reached for his hands and took them into their own. Deceit looked between the two, then over his shoulder to see Patton and Virgil's coming out to join them. Patton didn't bother to wash the chocolate off his face, but Virgil at least attempted to. That was apparent. Patton grabbed Roman's hand, joining him at his side and Virgil mirrored his acts with Logan, adding their own perosnality with his movements. Deceit felt his chest so warm again. Finally, Deceit decided he would give more of his voice.

"I love you all."

And he was greeted with a chorus of a reply, the four voices of his boyfriends mixing into one and making him feel more loved than he ever has been in his entire life.

"We love you too."

1349 Words

You can get past anything. Your past does not define you. Your now is certainly not your forever. Things can and will change for the better, it only takes w little time. There is someone out there for you who will love you for you. I promise, just hang in there baby. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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