Get Him Back [Desleep] (Villains AU)

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Basically Deceit and Remy are both the villains working together to defeat the four heroines after being betrayed by Virgil. This is their transition into becoming villains.


The nerve of some people. You take some people under your wing and care for the man like your own family, then they stab you in the back just because they fall in love with some idealistic idiot who has no idea how the real world works. It really pisses Deceit off that Virgil would choose that band of ignorant idiots over him, the one who was basically his big brother and his father throughout his entire childhood. Deceit stormed back home into the castle he now shared with only one other: Remy. Maybe his boyfriend would be able to help him with this traitor, he always seems to have the best advice and game plans.

"He left us, Remy. It's not like I actually loved him after all these years or anything. I don't care at all that he's left us for some bozos who think the world is Sunshine and rainbows."

Deceit was pacing the floor, ranting on and on about how attacked and hurt he feels through a string of lies. However, every spider turns a string into a web and soon Deceit felt the tears swell up inside him. All the while, Remy was filing his nails and listening to his boyfriend. He wanted his nails sharp like knives. If someone wants to be a good villain, you have to look the part. See, Remy had a plan the second he heard that Virgil betrayed them. If Virgil wants to play hero so bad then why hold back? Why pretend like they're the "good guys" when obviously Virgil thinks they aren't? It's like Hades and Megra. Hades convinced Meg to do exactly what he wanted throughout the movie. They just need to be Jafar and Hades.

"Then why don't we prove to him that the world isn't sunshine and rainbows? He wants us to be the bad guys? Fine. We can play rough if that's what he wants. He'll come back once he realizes that it's for the best he stays with the people who loves him."

Deceit paused in his tracks and looked directly at Remy. Remy put down his nail file and jumped down from where he was sitting. Remy walked over to Deceit, purposefully swaying his hips with confidence. He wore a smirk on his face that was almost evillous. Remy trwced his fingertips on his shoulder and up his neck. Remy flipped up his bangs and gazed deep into Deceit's eyes. Something Remy always could do was get someone's attention when he wanted it. Remy flicked up his fringe and smiled half sweetly at him, his voice dripping with venom.

"Besides, those twats don't deserve our sweet little Virgil. It's only natural that we fight for what is rightfully ours."

Remy was right, and Deceit knew it. Deceit felt a wicked smirk fall upon his lips. Remy always had the most amazing and ingenious idea. Deceit let Remy wring his arms around his neck and Deceit spun around his boyfriends. Deceit brought Remy in for a kiss. It wasn't long and French, but short yet passionate. Deceit let go of Remy and looked through the window of the castle. Virgil always sat there, staring outside for literally no reason. Deceit missed having him there. Deceit took a step towards it.

"Virgil was family and he just decided to ditch us like we're nothing but garbage. After all we've done for him? We have to get him back. I'm not letting them take the only other family I have, Remy. He was like our little brother, out angsty teenage son. I'll be damned if I don't let him leave without a fight."

Remy felt the confidence leave his body. He knew how much Virgil meant to Deceit. They've been together before Remy was even added into their family. Remy stepped forward and gently hugged Deceit from behind, giving him a reassuring kiss on the cheek. Remy knew his beloved boyfriend doesn't deserve to feel this anguish. Remy made a vow to whatever god there was above that he was going to get Virgil back.

For him.

700 Words

I wanted another quick one for Deceit before I go to bed. It's a school night so I can't get so much done, I'm sorry.

Fight for what you love. Never go down without a fight. I feel you go without a fight, you didn't even try. You let it happen. Go down fighting. Even if you lose in the end, it's always worth it to put up a fight. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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