Bountiful Bonsai [Analogical] (Long Distance AU)

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So -JustAnEditor- inspired me with their amazing book to write this. Here we go.


"It's called a Bonsai Tree. It teaches kindness and patience to those who care for one. I have one of my own. I want you to take care and love that tree as if it were me. Then when you love it just enough, I'll fly over and meet you. It's an excuse to let me raise money for the flight, but I know how much you appreciate symbolic and romanticized storylines."

Virgil tended to the tree's every need, spending time with it and talking to the tree every night. Virgil decided to name the tree Logan Junior  honorably after his long distance boyfriend studying abroad in Japan. Virgil sighed, finishing watering Junior and writing down in his diary a few notes. Just the standard tree journal, poetically describing the symbolism, and longing for his boyfriends to come back to Florida. Virgil set down his pen and looked at the tree, blossoming pale pink flowers on its branches.

 He's taken care of this tree for three years, and the years all he's had are phone calls and video chats. What Virgil would give for Logan to come home. If only college could end a year early so Logan can be back forever... Virgil is financially stable. Virgil can take on another person in his apartment. And maybe a cat if they really think about it. Virgil looked over at his phone. No texts. No missed calls. Logan was probably at his late morning classes, while it was just about midnight over here in the states. Virgil sighed. He wanted this long distance to end.

"Goodnight Junior. Talk to ya in the morning."

Virgil stood up, leaning over the small table to press a kiss onto the tree's glossy leaves. If a tree could smile and talk back, it would tell Virgil that he was still loved. Virgil let a phantom smile play at his lips as he swiped his phone and walked to his bedroom. He didn't bother to wash his face, brush his teeth, or change clothes. He just collapsed and hugged a pillow, pretending that it was Logan. He would snuggle a pillow. He had to pretend to be big spoon because how are you supposed to simulate being a little spoon in a long distance relationship? #LittleSpoonProblems

But what Virgil didn't know is that while he was sleeping, Logan want him a very special text. A text that he would have wished he was able to see when he'd wake up in the morning.

The alarm clock hadn't even rung yet for him to get up. It was Sunday, so he didn't have work or classes until noon. He made sure when choosing his schedule for college that weekends would be pretty lax. So when Virgil found out he was being woken up before eleven in the morning he was extremely pissed. He sat up with a scowl, messy hair and body odor pungent on his clothes. What woke him up anyway? Oop, there's the answer. A second loud knock on the door. Virgil grimaced and stood up, throwing the blankets off of him.

"Mornin' Junior."

Virgil growled as he made his way to the front door of his apartment. His phone was still on the charger in his room. Virgil peered through the peephole on the door and all his frustration was replaced with shock. No, it can't be. Virgil clutched his heart placing his back to the door. He looked back at the Bonsai. He was grinning like a lunatic. No way! No way no way no way no way! Virgil turned back around and happily threw open the door, having no regard towards his appearance or how messy his apartment was. He was greeted to his boyfriend with a single bag of luggage, a small backpack, and a bonsai tree in his arms to match Junior.


Virgil wanted to embrace him, but Logan's hands were a little full. Instead he leaned forward to go fo a peck on the lips. Logan chuckled and tilted his head upwards, avoiding it and getting a kiss planted on his chin. Virgil pouted as Logan entered the room, suitcase rolling behind him because he had strategically attached it to his belt. One thing that Logan definitely was: He's Smart as hell. Logan placed his matching Bonsai next to Logan Junior. Virgil closed the door behind him and sprayed himself with cologne after getting a whiff of himself. He really needs a shower. 

Logan turned back to him and held his arms out. Lol T Pose. Virgil, ran into his embrace, hugging him to make up for all the time they've lost in three years. Virgil was so touched starved. Finally. Finally he can be the smol little spoon he was destined to be! Virgil nuzzled into Logan's chest, earning a laugh from his significantly taller lover. Logan was about to run his fingers through Virgil's hair, but stopped when he got the first feel. Virgil felt him cringe and snickered. Ha ha. Victory!

"Eww you're disgusting. Go take a shower for peace's sake!"

Logan threw Virgil out of his embrace, being snarky and teasing his little boyfriend. Virgil stuck out his tongue and walked towards the master bathroom. Virgil was smiling like an idiot he finally got Logan home. Finally he was reunited with his boyfriend! If they could make it through their hree years long distance, they could make it through the rest of their life together! No doubt! Virgil grabbed his phone before entering the bathroom, seeing the notification for the text. Reading the I love you at the end gave him butterflies all over again. Yep, he was definaltet smitten with this man.

But what was going on through Logan's mind. He looked around the place and shook his head. This place definitely needs some TLC and a few kittens. Cats are the best pets. They curl up in you're lap when you read and scientifically can help cure depression, which he knows his boyfriend has. Well. He had overcome it as far as they knew, but you can never be too careful. After picking up a few stray shirts on the floor and bringing them to the laundry room, he went to the table and sat down in front of the Bonsai trees. He noticed a little book next to Virgil's, so he took it and began to read through it.

My god.

Logan started to tear up, and he rarely got emotional. Virgil took his words about the Bonsai to heart, didn't he? Keeping a journal and recording details of observation. He gave the tree a name for crying out loud! But the most heart wrenching part of the entire ordeal were the notes he'd always write in the last three sentences every day. It was almost like it was directed at him. Every day he'd write: This tree is Logan's love for me, and my love for him. Even as we are far apart, our love will grow. I love you Logan, and I will never stop. And it was enough to make a grown man cry. Even that police officer from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs that meme Boiz love.

The second Virgil got out of the shower, even though he wasn't wearing anything but his hoodie and a towel around his waist, Logan brought him close for a hug. He didn't say anything. Virgil didn't say anything. All the two knew was how badly they needed this moment t together right then, because god knows how long this moment will last.

1250 Words

Wow, that was deep and emotional. What's with me and highkey sad and emotional fanfics? I need to start writing some floofy stuff. This is out of character for me lol!

Hey, long distance relationships can work. They will if you love the other person and you try. Or If you like them loads and are in a QPR with your partner. Distance doesn't matter when you love a person, or like them. Friendships and Romantic Relationships can work. I mean, my friendship with Ellie (PokemonGladion) has lasted over two years and we are still internet besties. I love you sis!

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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