Get Off the Fridge [Analogical]

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Wow. It's been a while since I've done this pairing. I better get to it! I also stole this from an OTP prompt on tumblr so...


Virgil is on the top of the fridge again, just chilling. He's on his phone and letting his leg hang down like a cat's tail. He felt like the King of the Pride right now. Strong Lion. He kept crushing candies on the little magic box of technology when Logan got into the kitchen and saw the unholy, inhuman sight. He didn't freak out, he just groaned in disappointment. This isn't normal by now, but after Virgil fell off the counter Logan had been growing concerned with Virgil's need to sign in places that aren't chairs.

"Virgil, would you kindly get off of there?"

Virgil looked up from Candy Crush to see Logan standing in front of the fridge with his arms crossed, clearly disappointed. Yes, they are dating. This wouldn't be an Analogical fanfic if they weren't boyfriends. Roman and Patton had already tried to get him down and must have told Logan, thinking that his boyfriend should be able to get him down. Virgil chuckled to himself. This isn't just a chill moment. This isn't just a joke. This is now a challenge.

"No way!"

Logan pursed his lips into a thin line. The last thing he wants is for his boyfriend to get hurt. How should he go about getting him to come him down? Logan took a deep breath, trying to be objective about this. Maybe he could threaten to get him down? He could threaten to call Deceit? Logan knows that he hates Deceit. It's a hatred he never cares to explain but that has nothing to do with the plot of this fanfic so it doesn't matter. That was still a smart route to go with. Maybe just maybe it would work?

"Don't make me call Deceit."

Virgil was surprised and really angry for a second. Logan wouldn't dare call that snake of a man over here just to get him off the fridge. Logan wouldn't stoop that low... would he? Then he had a complete shift of emotions. Sure. Go ahead. Call Deceit. That won't do anything. He'll still be up here on the fridge. He can ignore Deceit and play candy crush. If needed he can conjure headphones and listen to music. This was a challenge and he wasn't going to lose so easily. He won't give in.  He can totally beat Deceit up in a fight anyways!

"Go ahead. I'll fight him!"

Logan groaned. What is with Virgil and wanting to fight everybody? What else could he do to get Virgil down. That obviously didn't work the way he wanted it to. Logan thought. Maybe if a threat won't work... a bribe would? What kind of bribe would Virgil appeal to? Physical affection? Food? Food. Perfect. Logan conjured a plate of chocolate chip cookies. He got Virgil's attention now, didn't he? Logan smirked. Cookies are the perfect bribe. Ironic since he was on top of the fridge. 

"I got cookies."

Virgil slips his phone into his hoodie pocket and lets out a big sigh, swinging his legs around and jumping down from the fridge. Logan watched him land on his feet, just like a cat. (Pun not intended). Virgil took a cookie and shoved half of it in his mouth. He ate it and conjured some milk for himself. Logan determines that he hadn't realized he could conjure cookies for himself while up there. His ignorance was his victory in this situation. 

"I totally would have fought Deceit, just so you know."

Logan simply laughed as Virgil hives the rest of his cookie in his mouth, grabbing another from the plate. Logan was simply glad that Virgil was down and didn't have any danger. 

"I know you would have."

639 Words

It's short and a meme chapter lol. I hope you laughed.


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