Nightmares Begone [DLAMP]

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It's time for a story, little ones. Gather round and open your heart. Allow the joy and fluff to enter. Smile, it looks beautiful on you.


Logan was reading a book on the couch, alone. It's very late at night and he thought since it was almost time for bed he would enjoy a small leisure activity. It would give him time to relax and unwind, allowing for a nice and restful sleep. He believed he was the only side awake, having a good schedule for the others set out. His own schedule had less sleep hours and more working hours, for he trusted that he could handle it without stressing himself out. However other his boyfriends, the other sides, have been getting worried about Logan overworking himself. They do often try to get him to retire early, however he just can't shut down. He's already in a routine. So Logan read internally to himself to clam down. 


Logan lifted his head and saw Patton walking down the stairs, holding one of his stuffed toys that he cuddles with when he sleeps by the hand, letting it drag behind him. Logan ebelived that was Vanilla, his bunny that was supposed to match Thomas' old one that his Great Grandmother made for him before she passed. Logan closed his book and was about to get up off the couch to go get Patton back upstairs to bed, but Patton was slowly trudging on over to him. Patton managed to sit down on the couch. He laid down and snuggled onto Logan's side, humming and whining at the same time as if he was stretching his back.

"Can you read me a story? I can't sleep."

Logan simply looked down at him, not having any words for the situation at hand. The book he was reading wasn't anything Patton would enjoy. He could conjure something new for him, however he was more concerned with why the moral side couldn't find a way to get rest. Logan was about to ask him a series of questions to get through this issue when Virgil suddenly appeared. He had a habit of doing that and scaring the soul out of whoever was in the room. He looked like he was just downstairs to get a quick midnight snack, like he often does. Virgil froze when he saw Patton laying on the couch, pale and with bags under his eyes to rival his eyeshadow. Something was wrong.

"Patty Cake? Everything okay over there or do you just need Logan?"

Patton snuggled closer to Logan, giving him the hint that he needed physical reassurance and affection from him specifically. However having others for emotional support would help with whatever mental recovery he needs to undergo to get back to sleep. Speaking of which... Virgil should be asleep. Oh whatever. There are more important things than nagging Virgil to go to bed again. Patton's head rested on Logan's shoulder and he hugged his arm. Virgil walked away from the kitchen and leaned over the back of the couch, listening very closely to Patton's mumbled speech to see if he could decipher any words from it.

"I had another nightmare..."

Another nightmare? Did it also have something to do with himself or was this particular one about Logan? Being absent of information is the worst. Logan made sure to keep Patton in a warm embrace to help him. Virgil nodded, understanding. Virgil pulled out a little button. The sides had a system whenever someone needed emotional reassurance no matter the time or place they's come to the rescue. Virgil pressed the button and instantly both Deceit and Roman popped up, seeing Patton curled up against Logan. He was so weak, tired, and pitiful. Roman instantly flopped down next to him and hugged him from behind, sharing his warmth.

"Don't worry, Patton. Everything is going to be okay."

Roman pressed a warm kiss onto Patton's cheek, snuggling into his shoulder so he can comfort the fatherly side. Deceit, who is also awkward with physical affection, sat down on the ground and grabbed Patton's hand, holding it and stroking it with his thumb to let Patton know he was here. Virgil kept leaning over the couch to give any reassurance to Patton. Patton knew exactly what Logan as going to ask. He was objective. Of course he'd want to know. Patton took a sharp inhale to contain the tears. This one had to be the worst nightmare this week.

"Th-they took you. There was blood a-and they just took Logan. I woke up before they snatched anyone else. I don't want to be alone. Please don't leave me alone."

Logan felt his heart shatter, even though both his sympathy and empathy levels are pretty low. He leaned over and kissed Patton, making sure he would never forget that He would always be here. Logan will always be here for Patton, and all of his boyfriends for that matter. Logan looked around and all the others seemed just as heartbroken and shocked at Patton's words. Everyone looked at Logan, expecting him to take iniative in this scene. Logan cleared his throat and added his input first, everyone else following afterwards. You should be able to recognize who says what, Reader. If you don't then.... smart up.

"Patton. We will always accompany you. There is no way any of us would depart from your side without coming right back as soon as accommodable. We love you."

"Darling Patton, fear not! We will never, ever leave you! And if someone does, so help me they will regret it!"

"We Love ya, Pat. We ain't leaving. That's not happening."

"Patton. I'd be a liar if I told you I would want to leave you. I don't. That's the truth. I love you. We all love you. We would never leave you."

Patton finally decided not to bottle up his sadness. He let himself cry. He let tears roll down his face and he let himself be kissed and hugged and given then physical comfort he needed. Patton could only wonder what's this mental breakdown and all these nightmares are doing to poor Thomas. Patton held on to Deceit's hand and Logan's arm. Virgil walked around and sat down next to Roman, leaning over to also give him some snuggles. Patton cried all his tears our and let himself fall asleep.

He didn't have a nightmare when in a cuddle pile with his beloved boyfriends.

1066 Words


If you're struggling with nightmares: my mom taught me a trick when I was little. She would tell me to crank the side of my head like a music box and sing "all around the mulberry bush, the monkey chases the weasel. The monkey thought it was all in good fun. Pop! Goes the weasel!" And think of something you'd rather think about while doing that. I normally think of a lake, a sunrise, or gay ducks. That really helps me. I hope it helps you.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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