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Hey are Kiddos! It's your Happy Pappy Patton here! A fun father figment here to tell you some words that you might need to hear.

As you know, this book is over. It's the very last chapter. But that doesn't mean you need to be sad! The author, Evangeline, has promised a new one!

But I really wanted to talk to you kiddos today. I want to tell each and every one of you kiddos that you are lovely. Each one of you have strengths and weaknesses and that makes you valid. Everything about you is okay. It's okay to be who you are,

Smile, Kiddos. I promise you that everything is going to be alright. Every single chapter in this book has given you some sort of true happy message, wether it is in the story or afterwards. And all of them are true.

I want to take each of you into my arms and hug you all. I would give you butterfly kisses and cuddles and we could play with that Puppy Roman gave me and I would call each and every one of you my kiddos. Because you are my kiddos. 

I love all my kiddos. I love you. You are an amazing person who deserves love, and I am more than happy to love someone amazing like you. 

So this isn't goodbye, kiddo. I will always be with you in your heart. But this is me telling you that you deserve to smile. This is me telling you that you deserve to follow your heart and do what is right. This is me telling you it's okay be yourself and be proud of that. This is me telling you it's okay to have fun.

It's okay to be you, because that's enough and plenty to love.

Your old man loves you, okay?

Bye bye



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