Soft [LAMP]

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Hello everybody to the first oneshot! For future reference all my little author's inputs will be in bold above and below the chapter. Also, beware fourth wall breaks. Those are my favorites. It's time to shut up! Why? It's....


Logan woke up first in the morning, with his objective sleep schedule in mind. However Logan didn't expect to find himself regaining the consciousness he willingly gave away in this position. He found himself on the couch in the midst of a pile of the core sides of Thomas Sanders under blankets and with pillows on the couch in front of a television no one bothered to turn off when the movie was done. Now the screen was just blue, kind of like his favorite color. In contrast to Patton's sky blue, Logan loves the deep blues. 

Logan looked to his left to see that very entities of Morality cuddled up against him, smiling in his sleep and practically purring. Logan smiled and brushed the fringe away from his face, taking off his glasses and letting them rest on the nightstand the sides agreed to keep next to the couch. This Mindspace was was shared space, in turn they must agree on what interior design works out best for them. Patton looked so happy, so pastel, so soft. It would almost be painful to try and move and wake him. To stall for time, Logan looked to his immediate right to see who was there.

To his right was Virgil, knees tucked in close and eyes squinted shut. Was he having a nightmare? Poor thing. Logan did the same procedure, brushing the fringe away from Virgil's face and ever so gently craning his neck over to press a soft kiss to his forehead. Virgil strained less on his eyes and he seemed a little bit calmer. Logan kept Virgil's cold hand in his, trying to share his warmth. Unpleasant dreams could effect your entire day, and everyone knew that Virgil didn't deserve to feel horrible. Plus he was really grouchy when he has nightmares. That entire statement aside, Virgil relaxed and even grew a small smile in his sleep. It was as if he transitioned from a twilight tinted black with stormcloids to a luscious lavender with bright neon stars shining through the night. He was so soft.

Logan looked both left and right, however he couldn't find the creative side. Logan didn't want to move and disrupt the moxiety pair on his sides, but he was definitely conerned. He knew nothing bad couldn't happen to their egotistical prince, but he still worried about where he could be and what he could be doing. Sure, he could be in the imagination or he could be creating a gallant dream for Thomas so he starts his day right, but what if he was somewhere else? Logan wanted to see him. Suddenly, he felt something on his forehead.

Logan leaned his head back and over the couch to see Roman with a Cheshire grin, holding a spatula and wearing a rainbow apron. He put a finger against his lips and pointed down to Patton and Virgil, still sound asleep. He was reiterating thst the two should not be woken. Logan didn't mind being told what he already knew, for he got the affirmation that Roman was still with them. Still, we stan a prince who cooks. Logan nodded and let himself lean back Into the couch, reverting his head to the normal position to prevent any pains later. Logan had his arm around Patton almost protectively and his other hand entwined with Virgil's. Virgil's hand was soft. Patton was just pure soft. Everything felt soft. Logan could feel his eyelids drooping again. Before he was aware, he had fallen back into the sleepiness trap.

While all this was happening in Logan's perspective, Roman was trying his best to make the most creative pancakes ever! He had chocolate chips, strawberries, razzberries, blueberries, maple syrup, and anything else he could conjure up! He had the spatulas ready for when he started making the pancakes, but that won't be for a little while longer. The batter needed to set first and he hasn't even prepped the ingredients he was going to mix INTO the batter! Before he did that, since that was his least favorite part of making these extravagant pancakes, he decided to check back up on his boyfriends still resting on the couch. Well, two of the, resting one of the, awake and enjoying his time with them. Or so he thought.

Roman walked back over to the couch, preparing to lean over and peck Logan on the lips, but he stopped himself. Logan had fallen back asleep. That's no fair! Roman hated being awake alone and Logan was normally his morning buddy. Roman pouted, but eventually gave in to his soft sleeping expression. Roman pulled off his glasses and set them next to Patton's. He overheard one of the two complaining that sleeping with them on could be painful or uncomfortable and that is the last thing Roman wanted. Roman pressed a soft kiss to Logan's forehead before moving to the right and doing the same for Virgil, then he moved two sides to the left and did the same for Patton.

Roman, feeling more determined to greet his lovers with the best breakfast ever, went back to the kitchen to get a cutting board. He needs to slice up the srawberries and razzberries so they are small enough for the pancakes after all! Every side has their favorite. Patton liked the chocolate chips, Virgil loves the Razzberries, and Logan loves the blueberries. Honestly Roman was a strawberry man. Even so he will make these pancakes the best pancakes ever and decorate them with syurup and fruits so they will be the prettiest pancakes in the world! 

His boyfriends deserve it. 

940 Words

Okay, I didn't reach my quota for a thousand words but I think this was decent. I just love the idea of a domestic Roman and I like going through Logan's perspective because it's the most interesting. I really hope you enjoyed this, even though my writing is terrible

I hope wherever you are you are having a wonderful day! You deserve happiness and love no matter where you are! Internet hugs an

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