Twinkle [Royality] (Middle School AU)

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I need some sweetness right now.


Patton was following Roman, who took him by the hand and led him into the forest just outside of towm. Patton was scared, but Roman reassured him that everything was okay. He said this was an adventure for them both to have. Patton agreed and took his hand, leading them to now. They're lost in the woods at night. There's no cellphone reception. Just two seventh graders stuck in the middle of a bunch of trees. Now, Patton normally is the calm friend in most situations, but he's scared of spiders and the dark. This forest seemed to be FILLED with both so he was squirming in his own pants, trying not to whimper or worry his best friend.

"This is fine! Just another adventure! Mama and Mumsie always say that my house faces north, so we just have to follow the North Star! Right Patton? Uh... Patton?"

Roman turned around. Patton jumped. He didn't realize he let go of Roman and began hugging himself for comfort. Patton was probably shaking. He hated the dark. Lots of things could be lurking in the dark. Like creepy crawly death dealers! He didn't want to seem weak. That's the last thing he wants to do. He wants to be adventurous and strong just like Roman. Patton gasped when he felt a strong grip on his shoulders. A cold wind blew on his face, making him realize just how much he was crying underneath his glasses. The Stars that's twinkle through the leaves effected off of the lenses of his specs. He stared in Roman's eyes.

"Patton, is everything okay?"

Patton bit his bottom lip, trying not to ugly cry. He was whimpering and his whole body was shaking. He can't see much. He focused on Roman. Yeah, focus on Roman and try not to cry, Pat. You'll get through this. But those internal optimistic quotes did him no good. He caved in to the fluttery, unsettled feeling in his stomach and shook his head, Boeing it downwards so Roman didn't have to see his pathetic face. Patton clenched his fists at his sides and his words started fumbling out before his brain could filter them.

"I'm scared! The dark, the spiders, I'm scared! I wanna go home! I wanna go home! I wanna our home!"

Patton whined, screaming out in a shrill voice that can hardly be called masculine. In Roman's perspective he was panicking. The person who meant the most to him other than his moms was crying. He lead him to be scared. It's all his fault. Roman felt his heart shatter with this revelation. He needed to calm his best friend and crush down. Roman sucked in a deep breath and took Patton's hand again. Patton always seemed happiest when their hands were intertwined, right? Roman was filled with DETERMINATION. No matter what happens tonight, he vowed to get Patton home.

"Hey, Patton, it's okay. I know it's scary out here. I'm sorry. But I have an idea! Why don't we focus on what light we do have? Look at the stars! Watch them twinkle!"

Roman pointed upwards with his free hand. He pretended to look upwards to set an example for his friend. Roman waited for him to look up towards the stars, lighting up the dark sky. Roman watched his trembling frown grow into a weak, clumsy smile. Patton always smiled. He looked prettier when he smiled. Roman smiled, feeling a little bit calmer. That's when he remembered about the North Star. Home was in the direction of the North Star! Patton is excellent in science class! He should know which one the North Star is! But Roman doesn't want to scare him. He cares too much for Patton to scare him. Roman decided he'll make this a game. Distract his normally cheery friend with an idea.

"Hey! I have a new game! It'll pass the time going home, promise! Why don't we follow the twinkliest Star? If a Star has the most twinkle, it'll have to lead us home! Just like a fairy godmother!"

Roman felt such relief when he heard that little giggle that Patton loves to give out with every fairy tale reference. Patton loves fairy tales and happily ever afters. Patton looked around in the sky, smile growing wider with every second. Roman felt Patton squeeze his hand and he felt his arm jerk forward with Patton as he excitedly extended his arm to point at a single star in them sky. It was surrounded by others, so it was hard to decipher. However, it still had the brightest twinkle. The twinkliest Star is the North Star. Patton found it.

"That one! North Star is always the brightest. Let's follow it home! Lead the way, Roman."

Patton looked down, his neck grateful for the break. He refocused his eyes onto Roman, who was grinning. Patton squeezed Roman's hand, still needed the comfort. The dark is still scary. He'd much rather stare at the twinkles in the sky all night long. Roman nodded just after he told him to lead the way. Roman began walking, glancing back up often to make sure he was following the right star. Before long, places started feeling familiar. Hey, they crossed this stream! And this was the tree they found those squirrels at! It took a while, maybe fifteen to twenty minutes, but they could finally see the lights of civilization in the distance. 

"Roman! There it is! You were right!"

Patton zoomed in front, running as fast as he could without letting Roman go. Roman almost tripped a few times, trying to keep up with his fellow seventh grader. Faster than Roman could process, he was halted as Patton stopped and fell to his knees on the ground. They were standing at the entrance to the woods right next to town. Streetlsmps were still on and the streets were empty. Their parents must be worried sick. The boys wouldn't know. Their phones didn't work. They should be ambushed with notifications any minute now... Patton started crying again, but this time with a smile on his face. He was out of the dark. No more spiders. Thank gaysus.

"Patton? Patton! Are you okay?!"

Roman fell to his side, hugging him from behind. Patton looked in Roman's eyes. They were filled to the brim with concern and panic. Patton nodded this time. He was okay. Patton watched a twinkle in Roman's eyes. Patton smiled warmly, taking Roman's head and pushing it towards his. Patton decided to give hi: a little kiss on the lips. He was filled with so much emotion, he acted directly on impulse. 

"I am now. Thank you, My prince."

Roman's face flushed so brightly it could out shine the North Star's twinkle.

1116 Words

I hate being sick. Yuck!

All you're fears are valid. You are allowed to be scared. If you weren't scared sometimes, you wouldn't be human. 

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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