Freckles and Constellations [Logince] (Highschool AU)

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Remember the game with Pengi11 I mentioned last oneshot? This was my prompt! I'm super excited for this! Screeeeeee!


The school talent show was coming up and everyone wanted to know what Roman as doing. Gossip floated around the school excitedly to see what everyone's favorite guy wanted to do. Some said he was singing a song with his acoustic guitar, trying to serenade his audience. Others said it's going to be a very in depth monologue. Some say he's going to do a comedy skit to see all the beautiful smiles of everyone in the crowd. Others said he's going to do a broadway number to combine all of the above. Do you want to know the reality? Roman didn't even know what he was doing. He was actually thinking of something last minute to do in the middle of Science Class. The teacher didn't even teach anyways. He basically had an hour and twenty minutes of free time.

Spitballing ideas on a paper of a million different things he can perform, Roman tapped his bottom lip with the tip of his pencil. Roman sighes, having too many ideas for his brain to handle. The absent noise of the teacher showing some animated documentary nobody enjoyed, not even the nerds, was drowned out at this point. Roman's he's began wandering and he turned a around to look at his favorite nerd. Logan, the kid nobody knows because he's way too quiet, sat in the back of the classroom. He had birthmarks and freckles all over his arms for some reason and was super interested in space. Roman thought he was cute. He wanted to get to know more  about him. You know those shallow crushes where you create an entire persona in your mind and fall in love with them? That's the kind of crush Roman has. And he wants to fix it and get to know the real Logan.

That sparked an idea in Roman's mind for the talent show. He's seen countless movies and television shows with this big cliché moment where the main character gets a song written about them and it's revealed to be about them and the singer and main character get together. Maybe he can use the talent show to get Logan to go on a date with him? Looking at his arms and how tanned he was, Roman already made a plan to go to the beach. One of the wonderful things about Florida: infinite access to beaches. Roman flipped the paper over and scribbled down the words Freckles and Constellations before shoving the paper in his pocket. He rose his hand and the teacher nodded at him.

"Excuse me, Director Torres-Rosario And Director Williams asked for me at the last thirty minutes of class."

The teacher grunted, giving him the permission to leave. Roman grinned and looked back at Logan. He didn't break his eyes away from the book he was reading. As Roman walked by to get to the door he caught a glimpse of the cover. What was Logan doing reading a dystopian romance novel like Matched? Roman looked to see what page he was on, since he enjoyed the book by Ally Condie, and Logan looked up once he saw Roman was looking over his shoulder. Instead of being embarrassed and shrinking away, Roman decided to try and make a positive interaction with Logan, like he always tries to.

"That's a really good book. Three part series. I have a feeling that you're going to end up prefering Xander over Ky."

He just started the novel, but he already was introduced to who Ky and Xander were. He aleready made it past the matching party. Logan nodded, taking in the information. He doesn't smile much, does he? Well then, Roman will just have to change that. Roman, with a new Pep in his step, walked out of the classroom and put his back to the wall. He took out his phone and opened his best friend's contact. He and Virgil had been best friends after middle school, where they hated eachother to no end. They put it beside them in seventh grade so they can be best buds.  He shot Virge a text.

Roman: Hey, let's ditch class. I have something we can do that's way better anyways.

Roman looked up, glancing around to make sure nobody was suspicious. Maybe he should just go and hide in the bathrooms while he waits? That would probably be a good idea, but since when does Roman do the smart thing? He felt his phone vibrate in his hand, meaning Virgil texted him back.

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