Pear Tree [Logicality] (Children AU)

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I really want a pear.... also sorry for doing the same ships over and over. I just have no ideas. I'm really sorry. Y'all deserve better. I'm also really picky and bitchy for some reason. Sorry.


Logan was only seven years old. His mommas were very protective of him and don't let him go outside alone a lot, but today was different because his cousin Remy was his babysitter. Remy didn't care what Logan did as long as he was safe and came back within the hour to do a time check. So Logan decided to go walk around the fruit orchard that one of the neighbors in the village had. The Lovett Family Orchard. 

See, Logan really likes Pears so he walked all the way out to the pear trees. However, Logan can't climb trees and doesn't have an elevation tool to help him get to the pears. Logan was prepared to improvise, adapt, and overcome when he got there. He asked Farmer Joan, the owner of the Lovett Orchard for a small bucket. Farmer Joan, being the nice person they were, obliged. Logan would have asked for a ladder, but he's too small.

So Logan made it to the pear trees and set his bucket on the ground underneath one of the Pears. Logan walked up to the trunk and tried to shake the tree. No pears fell down. It seems that the standard Animal Crossing Strategy wasn't going to work here. Logan looked around the area and found a rock. He picked it up and threw it at a pear. He completely missed and the rock got lost in the section of pear trees. Logan didn't bother going to look for it. He looked around the area and found that there were no more rocks. He sighed.

Just before Logan could approach the tree to try shaking it again, he heard a noise. Logan whipped his head around to see the youngest of the Lovett Family: Patton. Unlike Logan with his kahki cargo shorts and dark blue shirts, he wore overalls (not the pants overalls but the shorts overalls. You know, the cute kiddie ones) and rain boots with white shirts. He had glasses, just like Logan, and he was six years old. I feel Logan remembered correctly, his seventh birthday was three weeks from the day after tomorrow.

"Hiya Logan! Wanna Pear? I'll get it!"

Patton grinned, happy and sun y like always. Logan took a step back, not saying a word. For some reason, he always felt embarrassed whenever he required any sort of assistance. Patton skillfully climbed the tree. Well, for a six year old. He grabbed two pears and saw the bucket. He dropped them down and picked one more for good measure. Then he jumped out of the tree from that height. Logan gasped and ran to him when he landed on his butt. Patron laughed it off, even though he managed to scrape his knee.

"Patton? Patton!? Are you okay? Do you need a band-aid or hy... hy-dri... hy-dro-gen per-ox-ide?"

Logan doesn't know how to say it, but it's a special medicine his mommas use on him when he gets scraped. It stings and makes the blood go away by replacing it with white bubbles. It cleans all the bac-ter-ia from the wound. Patton rose an eyebrow at him, confused, then co tinued  laugh as he shook his head. Based on all the scabs on his body, he was used to falling out of trees.

"No. No band-aid! Look! I got the pearth! Let'th Eat!"

Logan had completely forgotten about Patton's speech imparment. Well, that's what his mommas said he had. See, Oatton cannot say his S's. It turns into a TH sound when he tries. Logan found it kind of adorable. He smiled and walked over to go get the bucket. He brought it back over to Patton, who didn't stand up. His knee must hurt from the fall. He really should have climbed down. Logan reached in for two pears. He handed one pear to him and took one pear. He didn't wait up for Patton. He dug right into the pear.

It wasn't long before Logan finished the pear and grinned, face all sticky. Patton was halfway through with his and he laughed with Logan, a piece of pear skin stuck between his two front teeth. That's when Logan's watch started to beep beep beep. Logan had almost forgotten about the time deadline! He has to go see Remy and tell him where he is and where he'll be going! It's a long walk in and out of the orchard... he won't make it. Logan has to get to a phone and he has to get to one fast.

"Patton, are you aware of a phone around here?"

Patton thought for a minute, finding no urgency in the situation and taking his sweet time thinking about it. Meanwhile Logan was panicking. He was never ever late for a deadline ever! His little childhood brain was thinking he was going to be in so much trouble for checking in late, even though Remy wouldn't probably be super chill about it. Thankfully, Patton finally had a positive answer.

"Jojo has a thell phone. But no worry! Jojo alwayth callth thr parenth Of any kiddoth that enter the orchard! Jojo also told me to tell you that! Did I do good?"

Oh. So there isn't truly no need to worry. Logan Smiled, ruffling Patton's Hair. That's good. That means he can just sit here and enjoy eating more pears with his new best friend. Oh, right. He did ask a question. He better answer.

"Yes. Very good job Patton."

900 Words

Bonus Ending

Logan was still an idiot, was he? He had forgotten to bring a ladder again and he still can't climb a tree, even though he is now nineteen years old. Ten years and a few left over and he still doesn't know better. Logan sighed and looked over to the side, waiting for Patton to come and save the day. Patton always comes to meet him and/or save the day whenever Farmer Joan tells him that Logan is In the orchard. Ever since that fateful day a decade ago the two always met at this very same pear tree. Patton even decorated it with a rainbow ribbon!

"Forgot the Ladder again?"

Logan breathed out a laugh. Patton knew that was exactly the case. Normally he's composed, stoic, and remembers everything. But whenever in this orchard or around Patton that simply wasn't the case. He always was happier, more scatterbrained, and found it easier to take time back and reflect. Patton jumped onto the tree and grabbed two pears. He doesn't need to climb to grab pears anymore. He just latches on halfway up the trunk and swats at two pears to knock them down. It makes Logan laugh every time. Patton picked them up and handed the second one to his boyfriend with a peck on the lips.

"Thank you, Patton. You're a life saver."

Patton grinned and they both dug into their pears. Just like old times,

1150 Words

Sometimes memories you have as kids and things that happened to you when you were young could be more prominent and important than things going on right now. It doesn't matter how long ago the memory was, if it's precious to you then let it be precious to you. My favorite thing to do Is share memories sort of like stories with friends, it really makes you smile and keep your mental health up.

Internet hugs and blow kisses! <3


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