Salted Caramel Mocha [Loceit] (Coffee Shop AU)

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Guess what? My prompt for me and Pengi11's prompt swap! Enjoy!


In Gainesville Florida is a family run coffee shop run by the Kobra's. Within this house is a sibling named Dee. Dee has managed to be enchanting to everyone in their service. They always wear a smirk on their face and a gleam in their eye. Are they a girl? Are they a boy? Nobody knows and that makes EVERYONE gay! Dee was extremely proud of this status, however the fact that they could get anyone they wanted was highly boring. Call them a Literature villain, but toying around with everyone was starting to get boring.

That's when someone new entered the shop. It's finals week in every colleges within a thousand kilometer radius and beyond which meant lots of panicked students coming into coffee shops and cramming every last bit of knowledge back into their fried brains. Here comes Deceit's new prey, a new person to figure out their interests and what sort of flirting works on them. It's not much, but it's something to keep them busy during this shift at ten o'clock at night while the store is damn near empty with nobody else on staff. THANK'S DEBRAH!!!

Dee not-so-patiently waited for this customer to get to the register to take their order. They had everything set up at a table including books opened and notes sprawled out. Dee watched very carefully for any hints at an personality traits and likes. With the necktie and professional demeanor, Dee could safely assume they were going for a doctorate degree and some sort of scientific STEM career. The textbook cover flashed towards them proved this. There was also something on his wrist that proved he was a boy. Don't ask what because the author just wants to explicitly make a way for Dee to find out Logan is a boy without assuming genders or any unnatural conversation.

"Hello, I would like to purchase a Salted Caramel Mocha."

Dee jotted that down real quick and types in the price in the register, taking off maybe twenty cents just because. Dee smirked and looked up at this guy with the normal shine in his eyes. No effect? Curious... Deceit decided not to read into it too much. Some people like to let Words and actions speak more than just facial expressions. Maybe this person needed more than just a pretty face~

"One salted caramale mocha for one as handsome as yourself. So, does this gorgeous face come with a name~?"

The guy just blankly looked at him for a moment, no light in his eyes and looking purely dead inside. They rose a single eyebrow with no hint of any smile or blush anywhere. Damn. This was going to be a tough nut to crack. That fact only made Dee smile wider. They hadn't had a decent challenge since they tried to get their crush to date them back in Highschool. Now all they need is a name for their newest pursuit.


After that, he just walked back to his table to resume studying. Logan, hmm? What a wonderful intellectual Name. Dee chuckled to themselves and began working on the mocha. Time Skip to after the drink was done. Instead of calling out Logan's name, they had decided to deliver the mocha themselves. They walked over to the little studying table that Logan had claimed for himself and he slowly set the drink down. Logan didn't even look up from his textbook. Wow, how rude. Dee frowned until they saw the title of the particular textbook Logan was reading. He smirked.

Human psychology, hmm? Dee walked around and looked over his shoulder. Aha, so family dynamics and the workings of human attraction? Curiouser and Curiouser. Dee had created the perfect pickup line, elegantly shifting their weight to sit down in the chair across from Logan. Finally he looked up at Dee to find them resting their chin on their hands and smiling at him, almost too sweetly. Logan rose a single eyebrow again, feigning innocence.

"You know, I am very open to helping you make some scientific experiments with human attraction and family dynamics~ The name's Dee Kobra, a pleasure to make your aquaintence."

Dee held out their hand for a handshake, but this rUDE MOTHERFUCKER LAUGHED AT HIM AND WENT BACK TO READING HIS STUPID LITTLE BOOK!!! Dee swore he scoffed at him. Dee was appalled by this behavior, taken aback. Nobody had ever outright rejected them and their glamourous appearance before!?! What was this some sort of crazy unrealistic nightmare!? Dee stood up and walked away before Logan could see their scowl. What next? Dee was very determined to get a date with this man, feeling some sort of twisted feeling of dejection and jealousy in their heart. Jealous of what?! They had no clue! It was just not a very pleasant combination of emotions that infuriated themself.

Dee watched like a cougar ready to pounce as Logan sipped their Salty Caramel Mocha, feeling QUITE salty themself when Logan pushed his chair back. Dee fumbled to get back into a picture perfect position at the register whenever Logan came back up, holding the cup in hand with the lid off. Of course his face remained stoic as ever, wonderful. Dee wanted to give up, but Dee is the kind of person to never give up until they get what they want!

"I would like a refil."

Dee nodded, not saying anything and not bothering to put on a seductive smile or getting a spark in their eyes. They just rang Logan up and went back to get the drink ready. To Dee's surprise, Logan hadn't gone back to his desk. Dee handed the cup to Logan personally and that's when the stoic expression finally cracked. It was Dee's turn to raise an eyebrow as he smirked at him, the light in his eyes.

"For future reference, I prefer to have deep and meaningful conversations rather than empty flirting. If you ever wish to engage in conversation after finals, here is my phone's number. Dee, right? I hope you are a much more pleasant person than you come off to be with your little facade."

Dee's jaw dropped to the floor as Logan walked back over to his table with the mocha. Dee looked at the phone number written on a napkin in their hand. No way. For once in their life, Dee was left blushing while another person walked away smirking, victorious. Dee turned around, grabbing a cup and filling it with ice water so that they can calm down after the embarassment flustered nonsense that was that moment. Roman's Sash is red, Cats make Patton sickly, boy I must say... 

that escalated quickly!

1110 Words

Have a wonderful day!

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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