The Red String [Logicality] (Soulmate AU)

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Logicality is cute. I like Logicality. I just feel sometimes people just ship it because they both got glasses. But other times you see the gif that everybody knows and loves (put it above) and you remember why this ship is so amazing.


Patton twirled the little red sting stitched to his ring finger on his right hand. Ever since he was a little boy everyone around his talked about how there was an invisible red string that connected you to your future spouse. It connected both of your dominant ring fingers, exactly where your wedding ring was supposed to go. When you find eachother, the string was supposed to become real and you could untie it and share it forever. Patton was always a dreamer, so he always fantasized about what kind of person his soulmate would be.

Would they be a girl, boy, or neither? They could be both if they wanted to! Intersex people are valid! Would they like boys like Patton? Would they also be a hopeless romantic? Would they be smart to balance out Patton's ignorance? What would their hopes and dreams be? What was their dream profession? Patton couldn't help but fantasize about all this. He kinda hoped whoever they were they also had glasses. He always found the glasses characters in books or cartoons the cutest! Like Connie from Steven Universe or Chicken Little! So adorable! It's a good thing he likes his glasses or he would have to stick pieces of plastic in his eyes! Not cool!

Patron was just twirling his little string around, sitting in a book store. He just loved the quiet and the new book smell this place always had. It was a cornerstore book store run by a cute old couple. Soulmates until the very end! The old woman wears half their string as the rubber band to her bun and the man wears it like a bracelet. Patton was just reading a book he just purchased on the most amazing trees. He hoped to impress his soulmate, whenever he meets them, with all his forest expertise. Patton felt a tug on his hand. He was confused until he saw his little red string only he could see, tugging towards the door. Patton looked up and watched the double doors open. He gasped and grinned wide. He was about to meet his soulmate! Ohmigod ohmigod you guys!

On the other side of the string, Logan honestly didn't care. He just wanted to buy some new books for his classroom library. He has ignored his string his entire life, feeling like he should fall in love with a person and not a soulmate. Just his opinion. If his soulmate wanted him so bad, that person could make the effort to find him themselves. They pulse have to get to know him, woo him, and make him fall in love with them if they really wanted a soulmate that bad. Logan wanted love. Honest to goodness, true love. Not this soulmate bull crap. It's so stupid for him. So when the boy with a blue shirt and glasses ran up to him, he felt a tug set his hand and he knew exactly what he wanted. He let out a short aggravated sigh. He could tell this boy was an idealist just by looking at him.

"You must be my soulmate! Wow, you're so sophisticated! I'm guessing your favorite color Is blue? Mine is too!"

Patton cheered, happy he could already find something in common. He was wearing a blue tie and navy blue slacks with his dark dress shirt. Patton won't lie, he was glad that his soulmate was a boy. He was more into boys than girls. Boys like boys and girls. Patton's cheer on the inside diminished when he didn't see his soulmate's expression grow cheerful and happy like his. Patton looked down at the red string. He felt all the people staring at him as if his string became real in front of everyone. Then why? Why was his soulmate so Stone-faced? Did he have RBS? If so Patton can easily fix that! Patton ride to save this conversation by introducing himself. He held out his hand, trying to figure out if he wanted to be causally greeted or if something else was wrong.

"My name's Patton! What's yours?"

Logan looked at him. In his demeanor and his physical appearance everything was lining up to tell him that he was excited and optimistic and just a happy guy. However there was one contradiction. His eyes. His eyes were filled with melancholy once he realized Logan wasn't making the "appropriate" reaction to meeting his soulmate. Logan wanted to fall in love, not be forced into it. Patton, was it? He seemed like a really nice guy. He seemed fun and lovely. But Logan doesn't want some red string to tell him that he was meant for Patton. He wanted his own heart and mind to tell him that he wanted Patton. Maybe if he sticks around, Patton could see that. Maybe if he stuck around, he would start to feel that. Logan didn't give him a smile, but he gave the poor boy a warm look and took his hand.

"My name is Logan, Patton. Perhaps we should go sit down. I would imagine all this attention could be stressing you out."

Patton just looked at Logan, trying to figure him out. He felt Logan take his hand and lead him back to his table with his book about trees and a Starbucks drink Patton obviously forgotten he bought. Logan sat across from him, studying everything set around the table. Patton kept on smiling. He found his soulmate! That's a good thing! He noticed that the steing was already split but still wrapped around his finger. The same went for Logan. Patton decided to break the awkward silence between the two by mentionin the string. It must have been what led Logan to this bookstore, right? 

"So, what do you want to do with your string now it's yours! I was thinking about tying it around my glasses. We both have black square fram glasses so maybe we can match!"

There goes his idealism again. He must be a dreamer, always going by the whims of imagination to see what his soulmate has in store for him. Why couldn't Logan eat someone who appreciates the value of life here and doesn't have to dream to be happy? Why couldn't Logan get a realist? It didn't matter. This boy, Patton, seemed kind of adorable. Logan did like adorable things. Logan just folded hisnhands together, letting his string hang from his pinkie. He was curious about his adorable "soulmate". He wanted to know more about him. For now he should probably voice his opinions before the hurt in his eyes grows. He preferred not to feed into that flame.

"Actually, I don't care about the string. I would rather fall in love with someone myself than have the universe pick a person out for me."

Patton watched Logan look him up and down really quick. Patton suddenly got it. Oh! He wanted to fall in love first before anything! And here Patton was, the hopeless romantic, thinking he was going to get married in maybe a month. Sure, Patton can take it slow! It's more fun taking it slow anyways! Going on dates, learning more about eachtoher before marriage and children... yeah, it's probably best to take it slow. Patron felt himself gets happier inside, finally knowing what was wrong with this scenario. Now that he knew what to fix, he could fix it! First he should probably take Logan on a date. He didn't realize he stood up out of his chair until he slammed his hands in the table and leaned over to talk to Logan. He also didn't realize he was yelling out of excitement.

"I get it! You want to go on dates and stuff first! That's so much more fun! Why don't I take you on one then? I know an awesome amusement park a few blocks away or there's a movie theater down the street!"

Stereotypical dates. Logan couldn't help but laugh a bit at him. The light in his eyes returned and he was obviously excited about this. However Logan would actually prefer being here in the bookstore. He shocks his head, confusing Patton. He watched him blush at the attention he was receiving yet again and slink back down in his chair. The curious gaze he was giving Logan never really left, so Logan explained. And guess what? He explained it with a smile.

"Aren't we on a date right now?"

The way Patton smiled at him was the beginning of Logan falling in love.

1452 Words

I worked hard on this one right before I had to leave for school so I can only hope it turned out okay. 

Thanks for reading! Remember that your thoughts and opinions matter! Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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