When you fall asleep tonight

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I assume you have noticed I only post on week-ends. Well, this part is extra-special firstly because of the lentgh (I have no idea what happened to me), secondly because, oh my lovelies, you have no idea, once again, and thirdly, because I'm madly jealous of these boys.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. (there is a super good sad song to get you through this)

Also, how incredibly awesome is it that this story has reached over a thousand reads ??? Very.

Chapter 12 – When you fall asleep tonight

It is a strange situation. We were supposed to go to Jocelyn's house, but since she keeps ignoring us, or so we assume, we have nowhere to go on a Friday night. It's me and Anton against the world, trying to be against the odds, but we're failing miserably.

I'm reading a book, he's lying on the bed, his feet up against the wall, throwing crumpled papers. The floor looks like a writer threw up on it – poetically said. It looks just like nobody cares to clean it, it looks like a sea of words, or unwritten words since the papers are empty. It looks like a block, a writer's block, except neither of us is a writer, at least not at the moment, and Anton is just enjoying himself on this miserable evening, with nothing else to do.

After another crumpled paper ball hits the wall, I leave the line in the book and move my eyes upwards, glaring at Anton.

"Is it necessary to do that?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. I feel like he's only trying to get my attention, or it's just me being egoistic, and thinking he's trying to get my attention, while he's just trying to do something.

"We could also make out," he mutters and I hear him chuckle under his breath.

I roll my eyes. "That's nice. You could also find something better to do."

"Like what? I already tried," he says and looks at me, upside down as he is.

"You could read a book," I suggest and bring my eyes down to continue.

"I could also make out with someone," he waves carelessly and throws another paper ball. "But since Jocelyn is mad at us, or whoever, we can't enjoy our perfectly good evening at her house, because she's banned us from going there. Well, not directly, but you know girls."

"I assume that's why you like boys?" I smirk, and close my book.

"Come to think of, it could be," he nods and rolls over in his bed. His feet are still up, otherwise he wouldn't fit, his upper body is halfway over the edge of the bed and he's supporting himself with his hands that are placed on the floor. "Ugh, one week in college, and I already hate it."

"One week in college, and you think there's only one party going on?" I push myself up and walk to the window. I see crowds gathering, there are people sitting at the fountain, there are people smoking – in conclusion, something is happening, and we only have to join them in order to find something to do.

"Pick a person, and we'll follow them," I say to Anton, and realize I sound like a criminal.

"Sounds like last night," he says, frowning. "Ok, whoever is wearing blue, we'll follow them."

"Most of them are wearing jeans," I say, and glance at him over my shoulder. "Pick something else."

"Whoever is...staring at their phone," he announces and a wide smile appears on my lips.

"Good thinking," I turn around and point at Anton. "Get ready for an adventure."

"Baby, I was born ready," he replies and slowly gets up.

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