Chapter 2: Invitation To The Blood

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Roses pov-

I slowly cracked open my eyes, and every single muscle in my body burned and to top if off I had a hangover. My head felt like someone had bashed it repeatly with a baseball bat, I then realised I was naked! Under the sheets in someone elses home. I screamed in terror, what the hell was I doing here? I jumped out of the bed, if someone came in they would see me naked, great idea rose and just as I expected someone burst through the door, and it was not just anyone it was Dimitri, I flushed as I remembered last night.

His muscles were flexing as he scanned the room looking for danger, then his eyes landed on me giving me an idea of how dangerous he was. He has shoulder length silky brown hair tied in a low ponytail, Dimitri was wearing black sweatpants, and no shirt allowing me to gaze at his golden chiseled chest, I almost drooled at the sight of him, he looked every bit like a sex god.

Dimitri quickly noticed I was naked and turned around and offered me his back, pshh like that was any better, now I got to see all the muscles flex and unflex on his back. Was it hot in here? oh god, I needed to get out of here-before I do something crazy and jump him.

"What am I doing here? And why am I naked? Shit I am never drinking again" I screamed at him, I'm sure I had worry all over my face.

"You were hurt and I brought you back to my place to fix your wounds, your naked because I washed your clothes, and the blood off you" Oh, that voice again, how I wished I could hear him moaning my name again in that wonderful thick, velvety Russian accent of his. He quickly walked out and returned with my clothes only a moment later. He gave me his back again, while I changed back into my clothes.

"Thank you" I said to Dimitri's back.

"No problem" His voice suddenly came out quieter.

"You can turn around now, Dimitri" I met his pair of chocolate brown eyes.

"Listen, I need to tell you a few things and you will think I'm crazy but you need to hear me out. This will explain last night" his eyes turning serious.

I sat down on the bed, and beckoned for him to sit next to me "Ok" I simply said.

He sat next to me, and his voice suddenly turning soft, and held a sincere look.

"I will explain and if you need proof just ask dont be afraid, and remember I would never hurt you" This got me worried, my eyes started assessing the room for the quickest escape route. "There are people in this world, and then there are Dhampir's, Moroi and Strigoi-Vampires, I guess you could call them" I gasped, surely he must be crazy. Nope, he was looking at me seriously, by the looks of him this was no prank or any joke, so I let him finish. "Dont be afraid, I am a Dhampir we are warriors for the Moroi, we are bred to protect all Moroi. The Strigoi are the evil Vampires as you might say. Strigoi was what attacked you last night, you might remember the red eyes, they are very pale and have extremely good reflexes and strength, and they can't go out in the sunlight, or they burn up. We Dhampire's dont have as great reflexs that the Strigoi do, but we train. Hard. So we can kill as many Strigoi as possible, we have better reflexes and senses than human, Dhampirs do drink blood occasionally-we have fangs, and Dhampirs are immortal"

He finished to take a deep breath, I must have looked shocked because Dimitri asked if I was ok, I just nodded and he carried on" Moroi arent warriors they take care of the Vampire world, they control the law what we can or cant do, they are royal, they are very pale, and they have fangs also, they need blood to survive-more than Dhampirs, Moroi can walk in the sunlight but it can irritate them so they prefer to stay out at night, they are very thin vampires compared to the Dhampirs, because Moroi dont build muscle easily, they have an ability called Compulsion, they are also gifted with one element to control-Earth,Air,Fire,Water,Spirit. And Moroi are immortal as well" he finished to take another breath, and carried on "Now did you have any questions?" I just shook my head, too shocked at this. Surely he must be joking or insane? I thought until he flashed his fangs, I gasped and flew off the bed and ran for the door but Dimitri got there first.

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