Chapter 39: Love Is In The Air

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Two weeks later...

Dimitri's POV:

I've searched what seems like every single jewelry store in the whole of New York, and yet I could not find a single ring that could match Roza's beauty. Roza was incredibly special-she had the kind of beauty that shocked on first impressions with her sheer stunning looks, but as one studies her further, even more beauty is revealed. I was determined to find a ring to mirror this to the tee. I had been close a few times, but nothing I saw ever quite seemed to fit the bill. I had begun to get frustrated-even my supposedly legendary patience was running dry, it seemed impossible I'd ever find anything. Of course, I would never let the absence of an engagement ring come between Roza and I; if I had to, I would propose to Roza with a freaking ring pop-come hell or high tide, it would happen sometime...soon, I assured myself.

I had wanted to give Roza a chance to settle into the new mansion before proposing, so I factored a couple weeks to find a ring as well as letting us get used to the new place. With a heavy, frustrated sigh I crashed on the plush leather sofa, smiling faintly as I looked around admiring my surroundings. I had fallen in love with this mansion once I first laid eyes on it-much like Roza, I suppose, I reflected. Its floors were solid timber, and more spacious than our previous house. It reflected a kind of elegance without being pompous, a kind of simplicity that fit us perfectly. It was decorated in pleasing, mostly natural colors, and fitted out with many of the latest appliances, but yet it didn't look like those ultra-modern houses we both detested. The second we had stepped inside, it had felt like home. The best part was the huge, beautiful garden I'd had landscaped within a week to include all kinds of flowers, especially-what a surprise-an abundance of sweet-smelling roses, a move that had made Roza blush and roll her eyes nearly at the same time. But right now, even those fond memories couldn't quell my irritation so I picked up the phone and did one of the only few things that could calm me down on days like these. I dialed Mama's phone.

"Hello Dimka," She greeted warmly, I could already feel my frustration levels lowering- it was near-impossible to be angry or irritated with my mother within sight or earshot.

"Mama. I have some news for you," I told her excitedly, and I could hear her make a noise of excitement on the other end of the line, and I would bet good money she raised her eyebrows in anticipation.

"Well, I'd love to hear this great news," She said softly.

"I've met a lovely lady I want to marry. I am going to propose to her as soon as I can find a ring," I told her. I noticed whenever I spoke about Roza, my voice would soften, I'd get this half-goofy smile on my face-I'd noticed it about Roza to when she spoke to me. My mother laughed lightly.

"That's lovely, Dimka. When will we be able to meet this charming lady?" Mama sounded pleased to hear how happy I was.

"Soon Mama, but I am having difficulty finding a ring" My voice hinted sadness.

"Why don't you use mine?" She suggested, and I perked, but could I really do that? Mama valued her ring beyond almost anything else in this world, apart from her family.

"Are you sure, Mama?" I asked warily. "You don't have to-" She clucked at me, cutting me off.

"Of course, silly boy. If this woman means so much to you, then its yours," I could almost hear her smile.

"Thank you Mama. I can fly home to pick it up in a couple days." I smiled, I knew what Mama's ring looked like- it was gorgeous, and the more I thought about it, I was certain that it came the closest to matching Roza's beauty.

"Oh, that's wonderful. Take care Dimka, I'll see you soon," She said, sounding excited.

"Thank you Mama, you too" I smiled and hung up.

I would take Roza with me to meet my family while I went to pick up the ring, it seemed as good a time as ever for her to meet them. Now, the only thing on my mind was not knowing whether Roza would accept or decline my proposal.

Rose's POV:

I woke to the most sickening feeling, I feel bile rise in my throat and made a run for the bathroom to blow chunks. I woke up felling awful, but now that I had finished throwing up I had actually felt much better. Thank God Dimitri was not here, he would probably take me to the doctor just for throwing up. For a badass Strigori killer, the man was insanely protective and neared hypochondriac levels of worry sometimes. I brushed my teeth and assumed my position on the bed,readying myself to get back to sleep, but before I could Dimitri came into the room.

"Roza, I have something to ask you," a voice said. I cracked an eyelid open to see Dimitri stood over the bed,looking more than a little nervous.

"Shoot," I said groggily. He took a deep breath.

"Would you... like to meet my family?" He asked softly,and my heart swelled with pride and happiness. I swung myself into a sitting position, aware of the stupid smile lighting up my face.

"Really?" I asked, somewhat stupidly. He chuckled.

"Of course," He smiled. I grinned.

"I would love to meet your family!" I shouted, and threw myself into his arms, planting a huge kiss on his lips, and to my satisfaction, he responded with enthusiasm.

When we finally broke apart for air, he filled me in on the details. Apparently it was going to be a really short visit, only a day or so, but I was happy nonetheless that we were going. Quickly, We both packed a backpack,and though I was insanely happy, I was more than a bit nervous, hoping I could somehow win their approval. Oh well, I thought to myself as we walked down the stairs, hand in hand. Next stop, the Belikov's.

Adrian's POV:

As I waited at the JFK airport to pick Sydney up, I couldn't help fidgeting nervously. Once I saw her head of golden silk hair, my heart sped and all my anxiety flew out the window. As the crowd parted, our eyes met and she came running, almost knocking me off my feet when she gave me a bear hug with surprising strength.

"I missed you," I whispered softly by her ear. I felt her hand reach up into my hair, and she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I missed you too," She replied causing an involuntarily shiver. I took her hand and we left, half entangled around each other, for her hotel.

I decided to give Sydney a chance to settle down for a few hours in her hotel after leaving-no doubt the plane journey had drained her, she looked slightly paler than usual. Now I was driving to her hotel to pick her up- I had a picnic under the stars planned for us at Central park, and a hope it would be...well, for the want of a better word, magical.

"You said you had some news?" I asked her, and she nodded, giving me a full white smile.

"Yeah. So...if my boss likes my work, I might be able to stay in New York," Sydney smiled, her eyes shimmering like diamonds. My mouth fell open in surprise and amazement.

"That's...that's great Syd," I grinned like a fool, and kissed her cheek softly.

Without wasting any more time, I opened the bottle of wine with a pop, and we drank the cold, sparkling champagne to to Sydney's news.

I hoped Sydney moved to New York, this woman amazed me. She had made me realize how good people could be, she had made me realize that I could be a good person as well. She was smart, loyal, and incredibly kind-hearted, but I loved the sharp and sometimes short-tempered side of her just as much, if not more. I smiled, looking down at her, watching her study the sky, the many brilliant stars reflected in her clear eyes. I was hit with a sudden, very simple, very clear realization. I never wanted to be with anyone else except for her. And if I couldn't be with her, I didn't want to be with anyone else, ever. This was the woman I hoped more than anything I would someday get to marry.

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