Chapter 15: First Date

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I woke up feeling Dimitri warms chest radiating heat, ultimately keeping cozy and warm, my head was resting on his chest, I listened to his heart beating almost lulling me into another sleep.

I could feel my body was already healing from the change, my teeth hadnt hurt since I woke up from the change, my headache stopped, I wasnt as sensitive to the light, my muscles hurt a lot less, and I wasnt feeling cold anymore.

I felt Dimitri shifting beneath me, and I looked into his wonderful chocolate doughnut eyes.

"Morning Comrade" I smiled, this man took my breath away even when he first woke up in the morning, his hair was sticking up at all angles and he still turned me on.

"Goodmorning Roza" His eyes shone with happiness "How are you feeling?"

"Awesome" I sighed happily.

"Thats good to hear, what would you like to do today?" Dimitri asked as he stroked my face with his hand and returned a stray hair behind my ears.

"What about that date you said you would take me on?" I suggested.

"Hmm I like the sound of that" Dimitri said before kissing me smack on the lips, he sent chills down my spine, he pulled away and got off the bed to get ready and I soon followed.

After an hour of getting ready I had chosen a floral dress from Viktorias clothes, and cute black wedges of hers as well. Dimitri had dressed in some jeans with a white shirt, it wasnt tucked in to make it look more casual.

"Wow look at you" I laughed, my eyes greedily looked him over. Dimitri was one sexy god!

"You took the words right out of my mouth" Dimitri smiled, I rolled my eyes. Dimitri could be super cheesy sometimes.

Dimitri tucked me into his side and we walked down to the basement to leave in the car.

We both sat in the escalade, and then I realised I had no idea where we going for this date.

"Comrade?" I asked, my face scrunched up in confusion.

"Mmm" He replied, he was busy getting the car into gear.

"Where are we going for this date?"

"You will see" Was all he gave away "There are some snacks on the backseat, its a long drive" He smiled breathtakingly and the car took off.

"Yes!" I shouted and fist pumped, and I quickly shuffled around and took a bag of chips off the backseat and started shoveling them in my mouth leaving none for Dimitri "Sorry" I said with my mouth stuffed with chips still.

Dimitri shook his head and smiled, I could practically hear his thoughts-Oh Roza.

After about an hour of Dimitri playing eighties music and eating plenty candy, we were finally at Adventureland, I squealed, I loved amusement parks.

"I see youre excited" Dimitri laughed deep, and rich.

"Oh yeah" I said happily, I took Dimitris hand and sped off towards the entry.

Once we were inside, Dimitri and I started trying the rides.

It had been three hours and Dimitri and I had gone in every single ride, and played in the arcade, it was a little past lunch time now and Dimitri and I were ready to eat, we spotted a restaraunt. Dimitri bought two hot dogs, one large bag of fries and some churros with caramel sauce, Dimitri had one hot dog and one medium bag of fries. I quickly scoffed my hot dogs and fries, I hadnt tried Churros before but it tasted like heaven in my mouth.

When Dimitri and I had finished our late lunch, it was already dark outside. We took one last walk around Adventureland, looking around at all the lights that had been turned on for the night.

"Thank you for taking me here, Dimitri" I smiled, running through the day in my head.

"Your welcome Roza" Dimitri smiled back at me and took my hand in his as we continued to stroll around. "Have I told you how beautiful you look?"

"Nope" I said popping the p.

"You look beautiful Roza" Dimitri wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I know" I said smugly, Dimitri let out a beautiful laugh, one I would have loved to have heard more often.

All of a sudden Dimitri stopped me, and cupped my face between his hands.

"I mean it Roza you are beautiful, so beautiful it hurts" Dimitri looked at me with utter sincerity, love, and affection. I couldnt help but lean into him and steal a kiss.

His kiss was oh so gentle, he always knew what I wanted. Like he knew me better than I knew myself, his lips worked softly over mine, he smelt delicious like freshest mint. I knew I had to break away before I got carried away, I pulled back and looked him in the eye, and said "Lets go home Comrade" I took his hand and lead him back to the car.

An hour later Dimitri and I tiredly walked through the door of the mansion, we both felt like the date wasnt over yet.

"How about we watch a movie?" I asked Dimitri, I was already looking through the dvds.

"Ok" Dimitri agreed, he got out some snacks from the fridge.

"How about New Years Eve?" I hadnt seen that movie yet and it looked good.

"Sure" Dimitri sat on the couch with a carton of Ben and Jerrys ice cream phish food flavor, I snatched it from him and greedily started munching some down.

We settled on the couch and it had been thirty minutes into the movie, the day was starting to weigh on me and I felt exhausted, I released a sigh of exhuastion and laid my head in Dimitris chest and I let myself fall asleep listening to Dimitris heartbeat.

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