Chapter 40: Meeting The Belikov's

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Roses POV:

I grimaced at the now-familiar feeling of being overcome with another wave of nausea, and found myself racing to the toilet to throw up again. I had already lost two kilograms from this terrible, strange sickness; I knew I needed to see doctor, and had promised myself I would once I got back from visiting the Belikov's. Luckily I had closed the door, meaning that Dimitri wouldn't have heard so he wouldn't have to worry about me. I brushed my teeth and walked back out like I had never been was such a weird illness, it came in waves really violently, and then was gone again. I looked at my clock and saw it was time to get ready to leave for the airport, so I woke Dimitri up and we both got ready to leave. I pulled on some jeans, A long sleeved top and a warm jacket; it would be quite cold in Russia, and the last thing I needed on top of my projectile vomiting fits was a a mere thirty minutes, Dimitri and I were packed and ready to leave.

We were now beginning to board the plane. Once I landed in my seat I picked up a magazine and began to read whilst I waited for everyone else to board the we had ascended into the skies I decided the best way to pass time was to have a snooze, so I settled on Dimitri's shoulder and feel into a deep slumber, smiling as I felt his arm wrap around me.

All too soon, however, someone was shaking me awake. I blinked groggily and saw that Dimitri was holding me by my shoulders, gently attempting to wake me up. The look on his face made me smile-it was really conflicted, like he was considering carrying me off the plane in his arms if I didn't wake up. Which kind of made sense, considering how much of a grizzly bear I could be when I didn't get enough sleep. I yawned.

"Comrade?" I whispered, and his chocolate brown eyes lit up.

"Roza, it's time to wake up. We're here," Dimitri's warm breath caressed my face and before I registered what I was doing I leaned up and planted my lips on his, feeling his chest move as he laughed. He tasted of spicy cinnamon again and all too soon his lips left mine.

"Good morning to you, too," he murmured, and I grinned, letting him pull me up and pass me my bag from the overhead.

Now we were in the car, on the way to the Belikov's house, and I was fidgeting nervously. What if they didn't like me? The thought made me anxious-I knew Dimitri adored his family, so their approval was important to must have noticed my mood from our blood bond, because his hand covered mine in a gesture of comfort, and squeezed slightly.

"They will love you, Roza." Dimitri always knew what to say, I thought ruefully, and nodded. He stole a glance at me and smiled a little cheekily, maybe a little smug that he'd been able to guess my emotions so anxiety suddenly stopped after that, because I believed Dimitri-he knew his family better than I did and if he thought they would love me then I was sure they would.

Dimitri took a turn to the left and we slowly headed up the drive to a small but beautifully quaint house-I smiled, it was exactly how I had pictured it. Dimitri stopped the car and, like a true gentleman held the door open and took my hand helping me out the car. He made me a mock bow, serving to make me giggle and relieve some of the stress I was feeling. Dimitri knocked three times and it only took seconds before a lady appeared before us.

"Dimka! It's so great to see you again," She greeted and took Dimitri in her arms, seeming to wrap herself around him even though he was taller than her by easily a foot. With a big smile, she turned to me; I held my hand out to greet her but she took me in her arms and squeezed me like she had Dimitri. It was a big, warm, welcoming embrace that made me feel a hundred times better, and when she released me I was too stunned by her friendly gesture to speak.

"Mama, this is Roza," Dimitri tucked an arm around my waist and introduced me to his mother. She beamed at me.

"Roza, it's so lovely to meet you. Come in, come in," She ushered us quickly.

Once I was inside a child attacked me, he clung to my leg with such strength he promised never to let go.

"My names Paul," He said once he let go, and once I got a glimpse of his face I realized he looked so much like a younger version of Dimitri, all round face, big brown eyes and long brown hair. I couldn't resist a smile. I got down to his height and said

"Hi Paul, my name's Rose," I held out my hand and he immediately took it and shook it voraciously. I chuckled and stood up straight again, I couldn't translate the look Dimitri had in his eye but it made my inside 's mother laughed.

"Oh, I forgot. My name is Olena, why don't I introduce you to everyone else?" Olena asked happily. I couldn't help return her smile, she was utterly infectious.

"Of course, I would love that," I said happily with a big grin. Olena took me to another room, where there were three women waiting, all with long brown hair and variations of their mother's eyes.

"Karoline, Sonya, Viktoria, this is Roza." They all stood up and greeted me with heartfelt warm hugs and friendly words, serving to settle my nerves.

"Now that we're all introduced, would you like some lunch? " Olena asked, and, as if on queue my stomach growled, making Paul put his hand over his mouth and giggle, I grinned at him

"Yes, please," I answered, completely unable to wipe the smile off my face.

Dimitri and I sat down with his entire family eating lunch, it was so lovely to meet his family and get on with so well. They were all interesting, well spoken, warn people and I was so thankful they spoke perfect English. Viktoria and I relayed the story of how we had met at the mask shop, causing smiles all round, and Paul kept up a barrage of questions all night.

"I like you," he told me shyly. I winked at him, my heart warming.

"I like you too, Paul"

"Olena says I'm just like 'Mitri," he told me proudly, and Olena laughed.

"Yes, it's uncanny. Would you like to see some baby pictures to prove it?" She asked, and I laughed.

"Yes! I'd love to," I said, and she stood to get them.

"Mama!" Dimitri admonished, going a very cute shade of red, making all of us laugh. She crossed her arms.

"On second thoughts, it's late. You two ought to get to bed-even you, Paul! You must be tired from the flight" Dimitri looked visibly relieved, and I elbowed him.

"You don't get off that easy, buster. We'll look at every single one tomorrow," I teased him, and he rolled his eyes.

"Women and baby pictures," he muttered "Yet more things I will never understand" After saying goodnight to the family-I convinced Paul to show me upstairs-we made our way up to what had once been Dimitri's room. Both of us were too tired to even talk, and fell in bed in a tangled mess of limbs, but we both did so with smiles on our faces.

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