Chapter 17: Awkward Conversations

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Dimitri's POV:

I woke up feeling well rested, and settled in the warmest cacoon. Roza was laying beside me her mouth slightly parted and she was very gently and quietly snoring, I chuckled. I gently got out of bed making sure I didn't wake Roza from her beauty sleep, I was going to surprise her with breakfast.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and pulled out two chocolate donuts from the fridge, and I made myself two cups of coffee for each of us I out it all of a tray making it easier to carry.

"Donuts!" Roza shouted when she had woken up and caught sight of the donuts. She greedily snatched them up and started stuffing her mouth, I smiled as I watched her eat, The joy that was written all over her face was hard to miss. I slowly drank my coffee as she ate her donuts.

"Would you like to get ready for training Roza?" I asked, knowing she would probably kick my arse again today. She was quite something now, when she trained she looked utterly beautiful, she always looked deeply concentrated and had a small frown on her face when she sparred.

"I'm going to kick your ass, Comrade!" She laughed, and quickly shot off the bed and collected some clothes out of a duffel bag on the floor and ran into the bathroom to change. I took that as my que to change as well, I got some sweatpants and a black t shirt out of my wardrobe and changed into those quickly.

I met Roza down at the gym moments later after I arrived, we both did sit ups, push up and some weights together. Roza and I started sparring, we circled each other, I found an opening on her ribs and I took it, I threw a punch, and she ignored the pain, I could see on her face it hurt but she shook it off. She landed a spinning roundhouse kick to my head, before I could duck I fell in an instance and Roza jumped on me straddling my waist and she laid her hand on my heart and whispered dead. I smiled pridefully, she was amazing, once again she had won.

Roses POV

I had showered and changed and now I was on my way to see Eddie for another check up to see if everything was going alright. I knocked on his door and in seconds he whipped open his door and was smiling down at me.

"Hi" I greeted, he open his door wider and beckoned for me to come in.

"Hi, Rose how are you?" Eddie asked, getting out his medical equipment.

"I'm fine, how's everything with you?" I asked, as I sat down on his chair and rested my arm on his desk, preparing for the blood test.

"Great" He said with a goofy grin on his face, before he started taking my blood.

Once he had taken my blood he put it under the microscope for inspection, he smiled and looked up from his microscope at me.

"Everything is going well, it looks like the DNA has stayed balanced. You are both Moroi and Dhamphir" Eddie said smiling at me.

"Thank you Eddie" I returned his smile.

"Your welcome. Just remember you cannot tell anyone what you are because the Strigoi will try to either kill you or turn you" I gulped at his now dark and stern expression. I nodded and left.

I went back to Dimitris bedroom, I found him laying on his bed reading one of his western books.

"Roza, would you like to take a walk" Dimitri asked sitting up and closing his book.

"Sure" I said, I didn't have anything else to do.

we both left the mansion for a walk.

"I think you should spend some more time with Lissa and Mia, friends are important" Dimitri said.

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