Chapter 42: What's Wrong With Rose?

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Two weeks later...

It had been two long weeks since I had arrived back from visiting Dimitri's parents, and two weeks since Dimitri had proposed to me, my life could not be better. Lissa and I had been planning her wedding, I still had no clue what I would do with my wedding, all I wanted was a small wedding with my close friends, Dimitri's family, and I knew one thing was for certain-my father could not come to the wedding, I couldn't have the attention put on us incase Strigoi found us and risk being attacked. It saddened me that I could not have my father come to my own wedding, but I knew I had to put everyone's safety first.

I woke up early again throwing up, I knew it was only a matter of time before Dimitri found out I was throwing up every morning. I decided there was only one person I could talk to about this, one person who would never tell anyone unless they had my permission. Lissa.

I knocked three times loudly enough for her to hear me.

"Lissa!" I whisper shouted. Heard the door open from the other side, and it revealed a very tired looking Lissa.

"What is it Rose?" Lissa asked, her eyes wide with confusion and surprise.

"Can I speak to you?" I asked nervously, she nodded and ushered me inside.

We made ourselves comfortable on her bed, and then I spilled.

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I've been throwing up every morning" I said to her with worry clear in my voice,

Lissa nodded "Has aunt flow arrived this month?" She asked, and I could feel my cheeks burn.

"No and what's that got to do with anything?" I asked confused.

"Rose, I'm no doctor but I think your pregnant" She said, a smile itched to surface my face.

"But that's-" I cut myself off, Dimitri and I had never used protection and what I was experiencing could be morning sickness, I cursed myself for not thinking this sooner.

"Thanks Liss" I said, and walked out of her room in a daze.

I scanned the isles looking for a pregnancy test, when I finally found them I took five different brands, paid, and quickly left. Now I stood in the bathroom, waiting for the results. My heard was racing one hundred miles an hour, I heard the door form the bedroom click open and immediately thought how I could possible explain this to Dimitri.

"Roza?" I heard his deep rich voice echoed off the bathroom walls.

My eyes shot to the pregnancy test, which now displayed the results-positive.

"Dimitri, there's something I need to tell you" I gulped, I couldn't be more thrilled to know I was pregnant with Dimitri's child, but eve though he had proposed to me did he want children? My palms felt clammy, and my throat went dry.

"What is it Roza?" Dimitri asked, I could feel through the bond a tinge of anxiety seeping through.

"I'm..." I took another breath "Pregnant" I said and sighed, covering my face in my palms, I did not want to see the disappointment on Dimitri's face-I wouldn't be able to handle it.

I heard his footsteps slowly make there way to the pregnancy test on the bathroom counter, and he sighed and his large hands covered mine and brought them away from my face.

"Do you want this baby with me Roza?" Dimitri asked, his face showed no emotion whatsoever.

"I want this baby, more than you'll ever know" my voice wavered "But if you don't want this baby-" I started but he cut me off with a kiss that was sweeter than sugar.

"I want this baby too Roza, I want to start a family with you more than anything in this world. You've made me so happy Roza" Dimitri cracked a grin, and pulled me in for a hug before I realized what he was doing he picked me up and spun me around; it was like a cheesy but so damn cute of him.

"But first things first, I want to make sure this baby is ok. I know a Moroi doctor we can go see for an ultrasound," Dimitri said, once he set me down on the ground.

I grinned at Dimitri's protectiveness, I kissed him lightly on the lips before throwing on some jeans, a basic tee, and sneakers and I was ready to go.

Dimitri and I waited hand in hand at the small doctors practice for our doctor. Soon enough a short doctor came out a room and called us in.

"Dimitri and Rosemarie is it?" She asked smiling cheerfully.

"Just Rose" I smiled.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Olendski and I will be giving you an ultrasound today" She smiled and motioned for me to put on a gown, I did as instructed and changed then laid down on a chair. Dr Oldenski gently lifted up my gown exposing my stomach.

"This will be cold" She warned before squeezing transparent liquid out of a bottle, I flinched as the cold fluid hit my stomach. She then proceeded roll a small electronic device around my stomach, and in a minute we heard a feint heartbeat.

"There is your baby" She smiled and pointed to a tiny figure on the screen, I felt Dimitri take my hold of my hand "She is approximately four weeks old" Dimitri took my hands between his palms and kissed me hard, I gladly returned the kiss back knowing this moment was special. My heart almost burst as I never realized until this moment that I would ever be this happy, or have a fiancé who loved me dearly and a baby on the way too. Dr Oldenski gave us a picture of our ultrasound, and before letting us leave she made sure that we knew to call her anytime we needed anything.

"You've made me the happiest man, Roza" Dimitri grinned, and wrapped an arm around me tightly.

"And you've made me the happiest lady" I smiled back at him, I realized I didn't want to wait to be married and I couldn't care less about planning the wedding, all I needed was my friends, and a place to be married and I would be satisfied.

"I want to get married this weekend" I blurted, Dimitri didn't look surprised I was guessing he might have expected that "In Russia" I finished.

"I would love that Roza" His eyes shined the brightest chocolate brown I had ever seen them, and his grin was contagious.

We both walked home like lovesick teenagers.

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