Chapter 28: Taken

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I had been told before that patience was my forte, but today, every second that passed felt like eternity. An overhead speaker drew me from my thoughts, informing me of their flight's arrival where I waited anxiously at JFK airport- it should be only a matter of minutes before they were here.

I called them for help to find Roza and to kill Tasha and Victor. I had made a promise to Roza I would never torture anyone again and I planned to stick to my promise, though my blood boiled in hatred; but I want them to torture Avery for me. I needed to get Roza's location out of Avery.

"Belikov" A deep formal voice sounded from across me.

"Mikhail" I nodded. His usually neat brown hair looked greasy and unkempt probably from the long flight. I felt bad keeping him from his charge-his fiancé Sonya Karp, but I was desperate and he was one of the best. Mikhail still looked just as every bit as lethal when I had last time seen him- which had ramifications when sparring, but today was exactly what I needed.

"Tamara" I smiled at the women standing next to him; tall with long black hair and storm grey eyes. Tamara was a fighter and would do anything to protect the Dhampir and Moroi- in many ways she reminded me of Roza.

Mikhail and Tamara coupled together in a fight were lethal that was the reason I called them. I needed them to draw out Roza's whereabouts from Avery. I nodded at them respectfully, showing I was grateful for their quick arrival and assistance, and then I turned around and started walking to the car.

"When are you certain she will come back?" Mikhail asked, breaking the silence as we all sat on the couches in the mansion.

"Today, tonight at the latest. She will want to look innocent" I spoke stiffly, it took every bit of effort not to run out the door and hunt every single Strigoi down and torture each one of them until I got Roza's location. Of course that would never work but my fingers were twitching to try. I was fast becoming desperate, though I knew how dangerous that was.

"What do you need us to do?" Mikhail asked. I respected Mikhail he took his work very seriously and never fooled around. I took a deep breath, trying-unsuccessfully-to distance myself from the situation.

"I want you to torture Avery until you get Roza's location out of her, then Christian, Adrian, Eddie, Mason, you, and I will go there and kill every damn Strigoi there until I get Roza back. Tamara, you will stay with Avery until I get back and I will send her to the Royal Vampire Council. They can decide her fate there" I said. They both nodded in understanding. Their confidence in me made me feel a fraction calmer.

My head spun as I heard the door open and, glancing up, saw none other than Avery. My fists clenched in anger and betrayal, yet again. Tamara stood up and walked stiffly to her, Avery smiled at her politely but I could see right through it. Tamara threw her fist at Avery's jaw and landed a hard punch, Avery's head whipped back from the impact.

"You bitch!" She spat, about to lash out at Tamara but Mikhail quickly threw her over his shoulder and marched down to the basement.

Tamara and Mikhail both strapped Avery down and she struggled and would not keep still. Once she was strapped down I started asking her where Roza was.

"Avery, we know you took her. Where is Rose?" I growled, I didn't use Roza's nickname in case Avery would use our relationship against us, and I didn't want to remind her of that if possible.

"I won't tell you! You won't get her back" she sneered. "I've already given her to the Strigoi. She is probably already awakened" She laughed, and flashed me a sinister smile.

"Why are you working for them?" I growled, I glared at her.

"Because they promised to awaken me, make me immortal" She sighed as if it were obvious.

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