Chapter 33: Light At The End Of The Tunnel

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Roses POV:

I stared into her jade green eyes filled with so many emotions-confusion, concern, fear. I wasn't sure if I should tell her- I had thought it was the right thing to do, but now I had started second guessing myself. I wasn't sure about the consequences that were to come if I told her. Was she ready to become queen? Maybe there was a reason her mother hid it from her. I roughly released a heavy sigh, making my decision. Lissa and I were like sisters, and if I had been in her position, I would want her to tell me.

"Lissa" I started, and she visibly gulped "There's something you should know about your family heritage" I paused and grimaced.

"There's no easy way to say this but..."I groaned "You're the Dragomir princess. A Moroi princess" Lissa's eyes widened in amazement and surprise, then teared up, making me instantly regret my decision.

"How long have you know?" She asked quietly, clearly thinking that I might have been hiding this from her. I smiled with grim good humor and checked my wrist for a watch only to realize I never wore one, so I guessed.

"Oh, about twenty minutes" I said, twirling my hair nervously around my index finger while I awaited her response. I conjured images of her screaming at me, telling me she never wanted to speak to me again, but instead she lightly gripped my shoulder resuscitating me from my vivid imagination.

"How did you know?" Her voice trembled, I looked into her eyes and they were filled with all sorts of poisonous emotions-Fear, stress, anxiety, and I could tell looking at her she had no self-confidence in taking on the role of a queen. Hell, who would?

"Your brother Andre was turned Strigoi and he attacked me" She tried unsuccessfully to stifle a gasp "I thought it was odd so I had Eddie and Mason help me find out more about your ancestry." I noticed Lissa was trying to fight off tremors, her body shook and I sat closer to her and held her tiny body next to mine. She needed some comfort, and that's what best friends are for, after all, right?

"Hey. It's ok Liss, we'll get through this together. You don't have to become the queen, you know," I pulled back enough to smile at her.

"Ok. I'll have to think about it," She sniffled. Her cheeks were wet and shiny with fresh tears, clearly from the pain about being reminded of her family. After a huge hug I got up to leave her alone to decide, meeting Christian in the kitchen where he was making a sandwich.

"Hey Sparky, I think you should keep Lissa company. She could use you right now" I smiled at him; he looked at me with concern in his eyes.

"Is she ok?" He asked quickly, his eyes look panicked. My heart filled with love-the adoration and concern in his eyes was beautiful and clear.

"Yes, she's fine. She just needs some support, she's in her room" I smiled; he took his sandwich and hurried off.

Adrian's POV:

"Security, please remove this man. I don't know him," Her beautiful voice echoed throughout the diner, as my already miserable heart bled some more.

"Sydney, please. One date" I begged for the fourteenth time, angered stained her beautiful brown eyes darker.

"Security!" She yelled louder turning around to sight some police, someone to help her, my ears already rang from her previous obscenities she has pierced my heart with. I winced, deciding to try another tactic.

"One date, that's it! Are you too chicken?" I teased, hoping that would get to her. Clearly, it did.

"No!" She screamed, she turned towards me and before I could register movement her fist swung towards my face and I felt my head knock against the wall behind me.

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