Chapter 13: Transition

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Dimitris POV:

"Rose is in transition" Eddie said softly, his eyes were concerned and paniced.

How was that possible? Roza was human, I couldnt turn her unless she had the genetics.

"Mason, what information have you found about Rozas parents?" I asked him, I was determined to find out the cause of Roza transitioning.

"Her birth certificate says her mother was Janine Hathaway and her father is Abe Mazur. Her mother died of cancer when she was three years old, and her father had left Rose to her godmother Alberta Petrov" My heart bled for Roza for everything she had been through. "Abe Mazur is a Moroi and her mother was a human" Mason gave me a look of confusion.

"Thats impossible, Roza is not half moroi. There has been no record of a half Moroi" I said in disbelief.

"Thats the only explanation. Before we panic lets get a blood sample from her" Eddie spoke calmly.

I let out a huge sigh, I raked my hands through my hair frantically.

I was on my way to Roza's room thinking how would I tell her about all this. If she was really transitioning into a vampire how would she take that? Would she be angry with me after I gave her my blood? All of my thoughts flew out the window when I found myself standing outside my bedroom where Roza was staying.

I slowly opened the door surprised to find her putting her shoes on and packing a few things in her purse.

"Roza? What are you doing?" I asked. she couldnt be leaving now, she was too sick to leave.

"I need to go to work" She said angrily, not looking at me. She was shoving her shoes on forcefuly and pulled her purse on in an angry manner, then she got up and walked towards the door.

"No" I demanded, walking up to her and I grabbed her arm but I was careful not to be to rough. "You are not feeling well, you shouldnt be working now" I tried to say it calmly knowing her too well, she would get angrier if I didnt speak calmer to her.

"I have to work, it isnt a choice. Someone needs to pay the bills" She said exasperated, she trying to walk past me but I blocked her again and she released an angry sigh.

"Please just not today, you can go to work tomorrow. I will take you to Eddie and we can find out what is wrong with you" I begged her, I was worried sick about her.

"Fine" She sighed, she put her purse down and took her shoes off. She walked over to my wardobe and pulled out one of my plain black t shirts and just took off her top right infront of me, my eye were as wide as saucers, she put on my black t-shirt. "Ok, lets go" She turned around, it was almost impossible to take my eyes off her she looked sexy as hell wearing my clothes.

I led her back to Eddies bedroom where we had all been discussing Roza.

"Hey Rose, Adrian told us you havent been feeling to good" Eddie said calmly showing her a seat in his bedroom. Roza nodded her head in response.

"Can we take a blood sample" Eddies said softly making sure she knew she was safe and the choice was completely up to her.

"Ok" She muttered.

Eddie took Rozas left arm and took a tourniquet and wrapped it two inches above the vein he would take the sample of blood from. Eddie rubbed alcohol over the vein cleaning the skin to avoid infection, he then took his needle and punctured a vein. When Eddie had his sample he quickly took off the tourniquet and before Eddie could bandage her I took the bandage off him and sat next to Roza and carefully bandaged her arm. Rozas face had paled a few more shades, and her eyes looked hollow and had dark circles around her eyes, and I didnt miss the way she would grip her head and appeared to be in pain.

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