Chapter 10: The Truth About Vampires

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Dimitris POV:

I watched Roza as she was sleeping, her lips were slightly parted and her cheeks were flushed. I was glad to have her back, resting in my bed so I could watch over her and make sure she was safe until she recovered.

I flashed back to yeaterday when I found her unconcious on her bathroom floor. Her head was bleeding from where she fell and hit her head, and her stitches had ripped out of her thigh and she was bleeding all over the place. Roza had some explaining to do when she woke up, I needed to know why she was passed out on the floor. I needed to know a lot of things since she woke up yesterday after the Strigoi attack.

I went downstairs to call a meeting to make sure no one would attack anymore Strigoi while Roza was sick, if they found out where we were then all hell would break loose and Roza could get hurt worse and I couldnt allow that, as well as having everyone else hurt.

"I mean it, no more Strigoi attacks until Rose is healthy again" I stood before my group of vampire's ordering them around, everyone was pissed to not have any Strigoi action for the next few days. "I wont risk any of them finding out where we live and they will hurt Rose while she is vulnerable" My voice echoed inside the mansion.

In return I got a lot of sighs and moans, agreeing they wouldnt hunt one Strigoi until Rose was healed.

Christians POV:

I was walking back to my bedroom, from our long boring talk with Dimitri when my phone rang. I smirked srrogantly as I saw the caller ID.

"Christian?" Her voice was soft and beautiful, like an angel's.

"Lissa" I replied.

"Hey, how are you?" hearing her voice made me want to do wicked things to her.

"Fine and yourself?" I asked, my voice responding in a purr.

"Great, thank you. Why dont you come over for dinner tonight?" She asked timidly, probably afriad of rejection.

"Sounds perfect, what time would you like?"

"Seven" She suggested.

"Great I'll be there at seven, have a great day princess" I said and hung up, and went back to sleep, seeing as it was too early in the morning.

Lissas POV:

I was cooking chicken roast with vegetables for dinner tonight, it had to be extra special when I had company. It took me hours to cook the chicken, it was great to have my mind off things. I was so worried for Rose when Dimitri kicked that door open and Rose was unconcious on that floor, I knew when Dimitri said he would take care of her he would-For whatever reason I trusted him. It would also be great to have dinner with Christian tonight, he was so dreamy and perfect, I giggled at the thought of him.

As I was finishing up on dinner I heard someone knocking on the door. I quickly ran up to the door and opened it and there Christian stood holding the most beautiful flowers.

"Hi" He smiled, God he was so beautiful.

"Hey" I replied, he came forward and kissed my cheek. I almost moaned at how soft his lips were in my cheek.

"These are for you" He smiled again, his eyes were so captivating they were the most lightest blue I had ever seen.

"Thank you theyr'e so beautiful" I squecked, and took the flowers as he handed them to me, I started to walk off to get a vase for the flowers.

"Come in" I invited, he walked in looking around.

"You have a beautiful home" He gave me a flirty smile.

"Thanks" I blushed.

He followed me into the kitchen where everything was cooking, I poured some red wine in two wine glasses and handed one to him.

"Dinner should be ready soon" I told him.

"You look so beautiful tonight Lissa" I blushed furiously.

"Th-thanks" I stuttered stupidly.

"Just telling it like it is" he murmered.

I heard the stove bing-the chicken was ready.

Christian and I were sitting at the table enjoying the dinner.

"What do you do for a living" He asked curiously.

"Im a model" I told him proudly.

"Doesnt surprise me" Christian smiled.

"What about you?" I asked Christian, I realised he never spoke much about himself.

"I'm a vampire" I burst out laughing.

"No really" I asked after I recovered.

"Really" he shrugged.

"Fine if you dont want to tell me you dont have to" I smiled.

Christian got up out of his chair and stood next to me, he leaned down until we were eye to eye I realised his eye color had changed drastically-dark blue-his eye color was normally the brightest blue I had ever seen but right now it was the darkest blue I had ever seen. I gasped loudly.

"What happened to your eyes" I said, slowly backing away from him.

"I won't hurt you Lissa" He said and flashed a smile revealing two very lethal looking fangs.

"Leave, just leave me alone" I shouted shakily pointing to the door.

"I wont leave until you know I wont hurt you" In a second I was pinned against the wall and Christian had his head burried between my neck and shoulders.

"Do you trust me?" He breathed, I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Yes" I found myself saying, even though my gut was screaming at me to run.

Christian moved so he was now looking me in the eyes, he slowly got closer until our lips touched and he took me in a gentle kiss, letting me know I could trust him. He pulled back and brushed my hair away from my face gently, before planting his lips back on mine. His lips were a soft as a petal, he took my breath away with every kiss. We were both panting when we broke apart.

"I vow to never hurt you Lissa and as long as I am still breathing I will never let anyone hurt you" He smiled breathtakingly at me.

He sat me down and explained everything to me about vampires, and strangely I believed him.

"Thank you for being honest with me Christian, its a little overwhelming but thank you" I said, we were both standing on my doorstep saying goodbye now.

"I always will be for you Lissa" He smiled, he kissed me on the cheek and walked off.

Christians POV:

Fuck, what is Dimitri going to say when I tell him that I told Lissa about us?I found him fishing for something in a cupboard, I cleared my throat and he turned around and faced me.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I told my girlfriend the truth, about us being vampires" I didnt beat around the bush, I told him straightforward.

"What the fuck Christian?" Dimitri was pissed now, I could tell he wanted to punch me his fist were clenched.

"I wanted to be honest with her, I love her. You told Rose, so theres no reason I couldnt tell Lissa, you love Rose and you told her" I fought back.

"Fair enough, but did you make sure she didnt tell anyone" He grumbled.

"Of course, she wont" I urged, Dimitri nodded accepting it and he walked off.

I thought of Lissa again, and how lucky I was to have such a beautiful girlfriend. I wanted to run back to her and kiss her all night, I remembered the smell of her soft, glossy hair and her beautiful jade green eyes. God, I was falling for her badly.

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