Chapter 31: Abe

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Roses POV:

Ugh! I groaned, placing my throbbing head in my hands. Eddie and I had been meditating for what seemed like hours trying to get through to Dimitri, completely unsuccessfully. Eddie placed a hand on my shoulder, pulling me up from my sitting position.

Come on, Rose. It's okay. We should take a break, we've been at it for nearly three hours. I gritted my teeth.

I don't want to take a break. I want to find Dimitri. He sighed.

I know, but you aren't going to find him if your brain is fried. I nodded, allowing him to press a glass of water into my hand.

"One more try" I told him, stretching out and then sitting back down on the floor. He looked at me doubtfully.

"Okay. Clear your head" Eddie instructed me "Close your eyes and breathe slowly" He spoke softly and soothingly, I did as he ordered, allowing his words to ash over me, take over my mind. We had a theory that the stress and grief has blocked out the bond for a short period of time, and that trying to get rid of the grief and stress might help me to reach out to Dimitri again.

"Try thinking of him" Eddie suggested. All I could think of was how much pain he was in, how it was my entire fault, and that if I failed; I'd never see him again...

A happy memory, Eddie clarified, sensing my feelings. Nodding, I closed my eyes and summoned the memory of the first night Dimitri and I had met, the first night we had connected as one, and each time we shared blood. I sighed in happiness when all of a sudden, before I even realized it, I was jolted out of my world and plunged unceremoniously into Dimitri's.

Immediately, I panicked. This time, he was out of the chair and in a small, cold cement prison. I could feel the emotion, the pain, sadness, grief seep right through him and into me, I shivered. My heart sped as I panicked. I had no idea what to do in this situation, and it terrified me to be out of control. Before I could try anything, I realized I'd been slammed back into my own body, my own world once again.

"Rose!" Eddie hovered over me, his eyes wide with anxiety.

"I'm fine" I sighed, incredibly disappointed with myself. I was given another chance to see Dimitri and figure out where he was but instead, I panicked and got pulled back into my own stupid body.

"What happened?" Eddie's eyes squinted thinking it would be bad.

"I panicked!" I shouted, I threw my hands up in frustration and defeat. I clenched my jaw in frustration.

"Hey" Eddie said softly, he grabbed my shoulders to keep me in place. I looked up at him and his eyes softened "You have plenty of time to practice" He smiled comfortingly and removed his hands. I smiled at him gratefully, and he started to leave, but suddenly an idea came to mind.

"You said my father was Moroi?" I asked a bubble of hoping rising in me.

"Yeah?" Eddie asked, clearly wondering what I was thinking.

"Maybe he could help us" I smiled widely at the possibility.

Eddie sighed.

"He might, but he is Moroi and as a Moroi he may have too many things on his mind and in his life to worry about you. I don't think he will, but if you want we could try" He said, clearly already thinking it would it would be a waste of time.

"Yes, we need to try anything right now" I held my head up high in determination "Pack your bag, Castile. We are going to see my father," I laughed softly, a tiny bit of apprehension within me. He shrugged.

"If you say so. I'll get Mason to get the address, but in the meanwhile we will both pack our bags," He said and walked off.

Only a few minutes later Eddie was knocking on my door and letting me know Mason had found the address and we were to leave in ten minutes. Wow. Those guys could move fast. Since we didn't plan to be there long, I only packed two tank tops and two pairs of jeans, a toothbrush and a hairbrush. Eddie drove us to the domestic JFK airport and we bought the next tickets to Montana that was-thankfully-about to begin departure in twenty minutes.

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