Chapter 58~

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You got home and collapsed onto the sofa letting it envelop you. Your mind was racing and you just needed a break. Sherlock placed a cup of tea next to you as you sat staring to the ceiling. "I'm gonna have a nap" you announce downing the cup of tea. "Thanks for the tea" you kissed him on the cheek as you made your way to the bedroom. You approached your bed until you stopped dead in your tracks. There was an envelope on your bed and you instantly recognised the handwriting but your theory was solidified when you picked it up. Did you miss me?
You opened the envelope carefully your heartbeat echoing through your body as you could only hear the thud of your heart against the silence. You took the soft paper out and began to read.

Oh, dear y/n,
Did you miss me? Did you love me? Ha. I should've, known. If you want me you can have me but if you want him, have him. I'm not gonna stop you... I'm gonna burn you. Just how you burnt me. How you poisoned me with emotions. I loved you y/n. He is a dead man walking, please tell your little lover that. You know I can replace you as easily as you replaced me. Words cannot describe the hatred I hold in my heart for you. Your arms around his neck his lips on yours. You broke me but I'm back now and this time it's my turn to break you. You can betray me all you like now... Nothing is going to stop me now. You cant opt out of this game love, it's not optional. An East wind is coming and you better watch out. ~J.M.

You placed the letter down trembling. You didn't realise it had affected him that much. His words stung you and you couldn't get them out of your head. "You broke me and this time it's my turn to break you" you felt light headed. Sherlock. You grabbed the letter slightly disoriented as you stumbled to the living room where Sherlock sat reading. He looked up to you as you ran up to him collapsing into his arms. You weren't crying, no, you weren't going to cry about it. You recollected yourself passing him the letter. You sat down slipping into a trance of thoughts. Sherlock had his mind palace, you had your own void type place where you could escape to when you needed to piece your thoughts together. You thought of what to do next. Sherlock moved over to the kitchen making some coffee. He placed it on the side and sat down as you slipped out of your trance. A grin appeared on your face. Don't do this, this would be reckless, it's not going to work. You dismissed the sane thoughts that kept you stable as insanity took over. You grin larger. Sherlock looked at you confused "y/n? Why are you smiling? Do you know his next move?"

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now