Chapter 55~

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You breathed in mentally sighing. You have to tell him. It isn't fair if you leave it. This was going well so far and it's unfair to hide this from him. You were best friends with him before and you were back to normal now. But what about Mori- no. No doubt he's forgotten about you now. He's probably busy with work. He would hate you now. It was over, just accept that. Time to tell him. It's for the best. You were sat in a shop with Sherlock, you finished your peach ice tea as he finished his tea. "Sherlock come with me don't look at the security cameras it will alert your brother and well... Just trust me" you stood up. "okay?" he said cautiously as you took his hand in yours. You walked towards the toilets the bustling cafes noisy atmosphere drowned out by the thumping of your heart. You got towards the door, the lights were dim and no one seemed to notice. "y/n... Are you okay?" you crashed your lips against his running your hands through his hair. He kissed you back exactly the same as you both shifted towards the door. You opened it and locked it behind you. You parted and asked if anyone was in here to which you got no response. "y/n..." Sherlock's voice was shaky as he looked to you for answers. "sorry I needed a distraction." you said licking your lips. " I need to tell you something and I can't have anyone hearing," you said propping yourself onto the side. "what's wrong?" he said concerned. "okay I have something to tell you and I pray that your feelings towards me don't change because I think that would just about break me and I'm already nervous as it is. The reason I came back, the real reason I came back. I and Moriarty were fine. He saw you at that restaurant and lept at the chance to mess with you again. In a way, he used me to get to you. His plan, our plan, was to get me to come back with the excuse and befriend you all. Then at the wedding, he wanted me to kill mary. I was supposed to do all of this but I... I just can't. You all mean so much to me far more than he does and I... I couldn't hurt you again, never again. I missed you all so much and me being back brought up so many memories I started doubting everything. Don't think for a second I don't have feelings for you. That's a lie. If I didn't my pulse wouldn't be elevated and I wouldn't feel the electricity bolt through me when we kiss and I wouldn't get lost in your eyes or crave the taste of coffee on your lips. I know all I've done is cause hurt but I am done with that I don't want to be involved in this game anymore. I want to be with you, and John and Mary and I want it all to go back to normal." you paused tears running down your cheek. "I want you, Sherlock. I always have so please help me, help me out of this game. Your all I have and you're all I need. So Sherlock if you'll accept me, help me." you wiped the tears away as he looked straight at you his expression blank. That was until he walked up to you and stared directly at you your heart beating so fast it made your breathing hitch. That was until he wrapped his arms around you. They were firm and you hugged him back burying your head in his chest sobbing silently. His warm lips brushed against your ears. "of course I forgive you" you broke the hug staring at him in confusion. "why?" you wiped the tears out the way staring at the floor. He lifted your chin up. "because I think we both know you never wanted this. I think we both know you're done with this. You were so happy at home and I was so happy you were back and if you promise me that this won't happen again were fine. If you want to put all this grief behind us and start fresh I am happy to. I really like you y/n. I always have and if you accept me then I accept you. We will figure this out a step at a time and he won't bother us again." he smiled wiping away the fresh tears. "oh God yes" you smiled hugging him tighter. You both broke away smiling. "You know my brother will be watching us when we return to the cafe?" Sherlock looked to you. " and you know he will have saw us when we came in?" he said brushing his hair back. "what are you proposing we do about that?" you questioned smiling. He kissed you gently as you wrapped your hands around his neck. He deepened the kiss and you wrapped your legs around his waist. That was until there was a knock on the door. "hello? Is anyone in there? I need the loo!" you and Sherlock were giggling. He put you down. "ok quickly," you said. You ruffled his curls and undid two of his shirt buttons. You spun your skirt to the side and undid the zip a tad. You smeared your lipstick and kissed his neck leaving red prints. "believable enough?" you smiled. "yeah" he took your hand as you unlocked the door. The lady just stared at you both. "sorry" you mumbled awkwardly as she didn't say anything. "is that sherlo—" you took Sherlock's hand and ran.

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now