Chapter 20~

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John then stepped out the shadows. "What's going on," you thought to yourself.
This is the turn-up, isn't it, Sherlock?
You noticed the bomb vest attached to the t-shirt. "Oh my god," you thought but dare say out loud.
Who are you?
Sherlock's voice echoed around the room startling you.
I gave you my number. I thought you might call.
Jim's soft voice layered in a blanket of rich Irish accent ringing out into the silence.
Is that a British Army Browning L9A1 in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?
He stepped out the shadows as Sherlock pulled a gun on him. You wanted to shout "no!" But know it would ruin his plan.
Both. Where is y/n?
Sherlock questioned as Jim's smile turned into a grin.
Oh, don't worry about her. She with me right now. Come on down love.
He called up to the shadows where you stood in awe.
You made your descent down the stairs taking your place next to Moriarty.
Sherlock seemed hurt.
You asked quietly trying to sound confident. He noticed the pistol tucked in your pocket.
What have you done to her?
John snapped.
Nothing Johnny boy. Miss y/n here likes me and I like her. Problem?
John and Sherlock were in awe as Moriarty wrapped his arm around you.
Y/n come home with us. Whatever he's got on you we can sort it out, please...
Sherlock seemed so vulnerable.
You spat remembering what it was like back home.
Moriarty pulled an over-expressive shocked face that soon turned into a large grin.
Hear that Sherly, my queen here doesn't want to leave
He said in a guttural growl his lips brushing against your neck. "My queen... I like that" you thought to yourself.
Get away from her!
John practically yelled making Jim's grin widened even more.
Oh, I've done much much worse...
His voice kept changing tones. You blushed looking towards the floor then back up to him.
I will stop you.
Sherlock said darkly triggering a fake confused face on Jim.
No, you won't.
His voice was so sing-song like that it was almost sinister. Sherlock handed him a memory stick. You stared at it confused.
The missile plans!
He kisses it winking at you. You looked towards the floor again your face heating up.
He tossed the stick into the pool startling John and Sherlock. John quickly runs and wraps his arms around Jim's neck. Before you knew it the pistol was in your hand pointing towards John.

~The life of a psychopath~ A Moriarty x reader x Sherlock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now