Chapter 5

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*Buzz. Buzz. Message Recieved. Buzz. Buzz*

From: Kian

Hey Cassidy, of course this is a real number:) let's get started then. I've got a while. ;) love Kiki.

Oh My Gosh. This is not real, I'm dreaming. I must be dreaming. I'm just a normal girl, how could I have possibly ended up with kian lawley's number?

"Chelsea...He messaged back. Are you sure I'm not dreaming?" I asked Chelsea laughing.

"No. You are defenatly not dreaming. What did he say?" She asked,

I read her the message, missing out the bit about me telling him I had lots to tell him about, even Chelsea doesn't know about my suicide thoughts.

I messaged kian back.

From: Cassidy. saved my life, kian. Thank you so much for that.

That was all I said, if he wanted to know more he would ask. There was almost an instant reply. Was he waiting for me?

From: Kian

Your welcome, may I ask what happened?


Sure. This may sound quite full on, but you should know...I had Depression, anger issues,Suicidal thoughts. I was self harming. But I found you just in time kian, you saved my life. I was in my first year of high school and I was being bullied, I was having a hard time at home too, my mum was a heavy drinker and I was looking after my little brother, I couldn't take it anymore. I was planning my suicide, but I found you. You saved me. I love you so much.

From: Kian.

I'm so sorry to hear that Cassidy. I'm so glad your still alive or I would have never seen your beautiful face and I wouldn't be talking to an amazing girl right now. I love you too. You can talk to me whenever you need, I'll be here:)

From: Cassidy.

Aw, thank you kian, and I will:)

The night went by so fast, I messaged kian for hours until he had to go to sleep because he had to travel tomorrow. Kian got to know me really well and I got to know even more about him. He was kinda flirty with me which was cute in a way.

I fell asleep at around 4.30am. Which was late. Even for me. But I fell asleep in one happy mood.

At around 10 am Chelsea woke me up by jumping on me repeatedly.

"Cassidy May Rivers, wake up! I want to know why you were awake so late!" She shouted at me.

"Kian" was all I said as I rolled onto my side to try and go back to sleep.

"Ooooooooh. What did he say?" She asked, looking surprised.

"Stuff" I said. Winking at her.

"Details. Now." She said sitting I front of me. I guess I wasn't getting any more sleep.

"We just got to know each other. He was flirting with me." I smiled at her and her smile grew larger.

"You might have a chance Cass, I'm so exited!!" She shouted. I just laughed at her as we got up to get ready for our drive back home.

I took a quick shower and changed into my outfit for today. I put on a pair of black high waisted shorts with a baby blue crop top. I put my vans back on as it matched my top.

I put my hair into a high pony tail and put on some natural makeup.

Once Chelsea was ready we packed up our things and left the room. We headed downstairs and to the car park, where we located her car.

The ride home was fun. We sang along to songs until I got a text message.

* Buzz. Buzz. Message Recieved. Buzz. Buzz*


A/N there you go. Short chapter I'm sorry. I've been camping all weekend so I didn't have much time to write this. I'm starting on a new chapter now:) love you guys.

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