Chapter 1

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The only way I can find happiness is through YouTube. I don't subscribe to many channels, the only channels I do subscribe to are O2l and their individual channels. O2L are a collab channel of 6 boys . They are the only people that can make me smile. I never feel alone when I watch their videos. I love them so much, and I mean, don't get me wrong I love them all so much, but there's one that truly makes my heart melt.

His name is Kian Lawley.

Kian has short hair. The sides are shaved short and he dyed the top of his hair blue and blonde for his tour in 2014. The blue faded and it is just blonde now. He has a nose peircing and tattoos on his arms. Kian has such a nice personality and he literally makes me smile everything I see his face.

Anyway, I won't get into too much detail about Kian because, you should already know who he is.

Normally, I spend most of my day watching O2L videos and the boys individual channel videos. Sometimes I go on YouTube before school starts so that it can brighten my day before I go to school. Then I get home, make myself something to eat and go on YouTube again. I probably sound like I never leave my laptop, but I don't care because like I said, it's the only way I can be happy.

More about me. I'm 16 years old and I consider myself as a broken piece of nothing. You see, life hasn't been easy for me. When I first started high school, I didn't know what I was doing anymore. There was constant bullying and I was so unhappy. In my second year, I started thinking about suicide. I am glad I found YouTube before I built up enough courage, because I could well of not been here if it wasn't for O2L. They saved me.

Anyway, on to a less depressing topic. I have black hair, and brown eyes. And I'm about 5'1 maybe 5'2. I have a younger brother named Colton. He is 7 years old and he has brown hair unlike mine, his eyes are baby blue. Let me tell you, he's gonna be a little heart breaker when he's older. We live with my mother, in America, She has Dyed, blonde hair and brown eyes. She split up with my dad a year after Colton( he's gonna be called Cole for short) was born.

She went through a pretty hard time so I had to play mother to Cole while she recovered. I see my dad every now and again because he moved to canada so he comes and visits for a few days every few month. It sucks but I don't mind because he made the decision to move away and it's up to him.

I don't really have a best friend, but I have 2 good friends, Andrew and Chelsea. Andrew has blonde hair and green eyes and Chelsea has caramel brown hair and brown eyes.

Chelsea also loves O2L, she's a Jc girl, And I think Andrew likes them too, but he never admits it, and from what I know, he'd probably be a Sam's girl, if Andrew was a girl, I mean.

*Monday Morning*

My alarm rings loudly in my ear. Dang it, that means only one thing. Today is the start of my last year in School. I turn off my alarm and head for a shower and to brush my teeth. Once I get out I blow dry my hair and put it into a waterfall braid. I head to my wardrobe and get some light coloured skinny jeans and a pastel tank top. I pull on a pastel blue and white striped cardigan and put on my white vans.

I check YouTube for a new video and one hasn't been uploaded yet so I watch a pervious one before I go to breakfast.

I head downstairs to be greeted by me handsome brother Cole.

"Morning Cass" he chirps

"Morning Cole" I smile at him in return.

I take a seat at the breakfast bar and see that there is a bowl of cornflakes waiting for me.

"Thanks Cole." I thank him.

"Welcome Cass." He replies laughing at how we always repeat each other's names.

Once we have finished eating we get ready to go to school. Colton is wearing some black knee length shorts and a white shirt. He grabs his black Vans bag and I grab my White one. As we head out of the door I shout bye to our mother,

"Bye, Mom, see you later" I shout.

"Bye mom." Says Cole.

As usual there's no reply. Mom works nights to she's probably asleep.

We set off on our walk to school after I lock the door with the spare key we keep under the plant pot. There's a 10 minute walk to Coles school and another 10 minute walk to mine from there. We have our usual chat about our schedule and extra school clubs.

"Hey Cass, I have to stay a little later today, I have football practice. Could you pick me up at 5?"

"Sure, I didn't know you played football?"

"I don't. Coach wants me to try out, he thinks I'm 'special" he laughs as he uses air quotations on special. We both laugh.

As we reach Coles school he says goodbye and I leave and start walking towards my own school.

About half way to school I bet a text from Chelsea.

*meet me at my car. I have AMAZING news. Omg I can't wait to tell you. Hurry up.*

I start jogging even bought I was almost there. I slow down when her red mini comes into view.

She starts running towards me looking overly exited.

"Oh my god, you will never guess what! " Chelsea screams.

"What?" I smile wanting to know more.


A/n, ok, first chapter. How do you like it? I will try my hardest to update this story. I don't know if I want to continue my justin bieber story. I might just work on this one because I have a plot for this story. Ok, anyway. What do you think of this first chapter. The start was a little boring but that was just an intro to the main characters.

I will try update as soon as I can but I can't promise because I don't have a computer and I'm currently on a friends, I might see if I can use my mums for awhile.

Love you guys, hoped you liked this chapter :)

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