Chapter XVI: Return to Nirn

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Gormlaith pulled Remus towards her, holding him tightly by the scarf.

"Do you take me for a fool, Dragonborn?!" she shouted. Despite being an ethereal being, her presence resonated in the current realm, even sending shivers down Serana's spine.

"Wait, Gormlaith! I... I had no idea...!" Remus protested.

"No idea?!" the ancient tongue held his scarf even more roughly with annoyance.

"!...That it was that weak!" Remus started to struggle. "I mean, come on! Who would've thought?! I wouldn't call you out of the blue if I knew!"

Gormlaith clicked her tongue before releasing Remus from her grasp. Serana only scratched her head as she watched them from a distance as she tried to recollect what just happened.

"This ought to be good." Remus smirked as he skillfully rotated his sword arm carrying a bound weapon. The towering spectre dragged its scythe before stopping. It just stood there.

On the other hand, Gormlaith drew both of her swords. "Hm. This is the first time I've seen something like... that. We may be in for a tedious battle, Dragonborn."

"Damn straight."

Meanwhile, Serana's hands wouldn't stop trembling which Remus seemed to notice.

"Serana." The vampiress looked at the mortal in response. She didn't utter a single word.

"Don't worry. We can do this. That thing won't get past us. Trust me." he smiled. Somehow, once more, the mortal's words reassured her.

Serana took a deep breath before smiling back. "Okay." She prepared her spells. "What's the plan?"

"Plain and simple. Both of us will charge in there and take the fight to that guy." Remus gestured towards the spectre. It wasn't moving even an inch as if it was just waiting for them. He continued on. "Pretty sure there's something up its sleeve. So we need you to support us from behind." He snickered. "Besides, Gormlaith here is even more... hmmm, how should I put this... headstrong... than I am. She'll definitely need your support so she wouldn't be sent back to Sovngarde early."

Gormlaith faced Remus with gritted teeth. "Do you wish me to send you to Sovngarde early?"

"It was a joke... a joke!" the man laughed nervously. He cleared his throat. "Ready?"

"You lead, and I'll follow." the ancient tongue responded.

"If you can keep up." With a flash of speed, Remus lunged toward the spectre with a raised sword arm. Gormlaith was just a few inches behind him. Yet both of their attacks were easily blocked by the spectre using the hilt of its scythe. Picking its pace, it swung its scythe in a huge arc. The two stepped back right before they were hit.

"Hm. It's no idiot." Remus observed. "I'll call it the Reaper."

"Are you really going to name every creature in this damned place?" Serana shouted from the back. Remus just laughed in response.

"Look." Gormlaith pointed. The Reaper struck the edge of its scythe at the pile of bones. Subsequently, bonemen and mistmen appeared from the pile.

"I'll take care of those, you tend to that... thing." Serana called as she struck one of the bonemen with a lightning spell.

"You mean the Reaper?"

"Whatever, Remus."

Remus snorted before shooting Gormlaith with a look of intent. The woman seemed to understand what he meant and just nodded in response. She and the mortal proceeded to skirmish with the Reaper, who skillfully blocked his attacks while also putting on quite the offense, swinging its big scythe in huge arcs. It also spat what seemed like acid but both of the warriors managed to dodge them with ease. Serana also kept the other undead from reaching the two with her destruction spells.

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