Chapter 29: Gathering Allies

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Gwen knew she had to get out of here and more importantly get the girls out of here too. She knew exactly what she wanted to do which was to get the girls back to their own time and stop Chapman for good..

She was even in a good mood to rescue the other girls that had been treated like princesses by Chapman. But she knew they deserved a better life than being locked up like zoo animals.

She had to do this, She just had to. And this time she must not fail. Who knows when another opportunity may show itself?

She looks around The room. Chapman was gone, He had left the room preparing things for Gwen's forced wedding to the lunatic.

This escape plan would probably be her last chance or at least the last chance for them all.

She kept racking her brains, How could she even achieve this? And then the idea suddenly came to her, All she really needed was a few allies and Maybe someone working on the inside for her and that way for sure may guarantee her and her friends their freedom.

She looks up at Lisa sadly, "You can't possibly agree with this."

Lisa couldn't look Gwen in the eye mainly because she knew just how wrong it was but she also has experienced what it was like to be on Charles Chapman's bad side. "You're right I don't but I'm not paid to have an opinion. This is my job."

Gwen scoffs, "This is kidnap and imprisonment, You'll end up going to jail as well as him, Eventually the police will catch up with the two of you and they will not be lenient on you. "

Lisa shrugs. "I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, But for now it's best if I stay on his good side. You have no idea what its like."

Gwen shakes her head. "It doesn't have to be like that, You can be free and have a much better job where you help people not hurt them."

Lisa frowns. "That's just wishful thinking.. There's no way that would ever happen."

Gwen smiles. "Don't be so defeatist, There is a way out its been right under your nose all along."

Lisa looks at her with a quizzical look. "How?"

Gwen sighs. "Isn't it obvious?, You help us, You be our ally and gather any allies we may need."

Lisa thought about this, "You mean a double cross? I still work for him but really, I work for you?"

Gwen nodded. "Exactly."

Lisa took a deep breath and thought for a moment.

"I'm in."

Gwen smirks, "If we plan this right, He's never going to know what hit him."

Chapman returned a few moments later. He turns to Lisa. "She's been behaving herself, I trust?"

Lisa nodded. "No problem's my end sir what about you sir? With the Wedding? Is it ready?"

He looks between Gwen and Lisa sadly. "Ah, That's where we've hit a slight snag, The Vicar has only gone and double booked himself and all the other vicars are booked up."

Gwen wished She had her hands free so she could punch the air in victory. She was well aware she hadn't won yet but at least it brought her some time.

Lisa looked at her boss worriedly. "Ah, I see so does that mean the Wedding is cancelled sir?"

Gwen still had her hands tied but secretly she put her finger's crossed in the hope that he had in fact given up on her and maybe, Just maybe he would send her home.

But any hope she had, Suddenly dispersed from her. Because he said, "Don't be so ridiculous Lisa, Of course not. The Wedding will of course be on in a few weeks time.. It's Just later than we thought that's all.."

Lisa nodded. "Of course sir, In the meantime, What would you like me to do with the girl."

Charles gestured to the door. "Oh, Just take her to the cells for the time being."

Lisa nodded obediently. She put her head out the door and yelled for the guards.

Two butch men came into the room, One was older and bold and the other was ginger with a slim body and was the younger of the two.

The older one came to the right of her and the younger one came to the left of her. The older man took some scissors off Chapman's desk and cut the duck tape cutting Gwen free.

Both men grab both of Gwen's arms tightly. She looks at Lisa and Winks at her.

The plan is most definitely on.

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