Chapter 6

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Charles Chapman walks out of his office and heads towards Guinevere's cell. When he final reaches it he opens her cell door which wakes Guinevere up from sleeping.

She eyes him suspiciously "What do you want?."

He shrugs. "Nothing in particular.. Just wondering how your settling in..Sweetheart."

She frown's in reply. "One.. I am certainly not your sweetheart...Two I don't belong here I should be at home with my family."

He smirks "That all depends Guinevere if you want to get home so desperately.. I strongly suggest you follow the rules of this facility."

She sighs "So basically you don't want me to lie?"

He nodded "That is correct."

She growls "What you want is pretty much impossible.."

He shrugs "Well.. you'd better try.. you've already had One strike already so I suggest you make them count."

He shuts the door with a slam. She runs after him toward her door in an attempt to get out. "I HATE YOU!".

Later that day

Charles gathers his Patient's in the Patient room and as each of his Patients arrives he smiles at everyone of them.

Francine frowns "Mr Chapman sir.. Why have you gathered us here?."

He grins "You'll find out in a minute if your patient."

When he was sure everyone had arrived he stood up confidently. "Now I've gathered you all together because I have a confession to make."

Each of the Patient's raise their eyebrows at each other thinking maybe he may let them finally go home or perhaps they will get the truth of why they are there in this facility.

He sighs "Can everyone shut up!.. Now the real reason of why your here is because I'm looking to get married."

Guinervere frowns "You mean that whole sob story you fed us about people lying was a lie?."

He shook his head in reply. "No that was true and this facility was built to help prevent such things but the time traveller that has been spotted during several time zones was me and I shamely admit I've been abusing my own system."

Riley and Mary yell defiantly "What about the girls that were taken to a different part of the facility and treated like queens?!".

He sighs "That rumour was indeed true but sadly I've grown bored of them and this particular group that I see before me.. are indeed the type of people I look for in a wife.. providing you don't tell the other girls that of course."

The girls were shocked this news and as they looked up they see Chapman leaving. "I'll leave you guys to let the news settle in.. I thought it was perhaps time to be honest with you.

With a shut of the cell bar door of the patient room Chapman laughs gleefully thinking his plan is indeed working."

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