Chapter 26- Welcome to my life

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Guinevere wasn't sure how long she stood out in the freezing cold for but she didn't care. The longer she thought about what to do the harder it was to figure it all out.

But she realized she had to be honest with herself because this was her life now. Even if Charles Chapman let the other girls go, She was still going to be here stuck and trapped with that pig.

Mary had tried of course to convince her to marry him but when she realized her pleas were falling on deaf ears she left Guinevere to it.

She frowned at that thought of that idea. What was she supposed to do, Give up her life so that the other girls could get theirs back?

She hates this whole situation plus the fact that she could slowly feel herself turning into something she's not. Is it selfish of her to want to run and not look back?

She had never met these girls before now and now that she got to know them she felt guilty with the idea of her just leaving them to it.

Thoughts swirl around in her head. "It's me that Chapman likes not the other girls, Me."

She blinks as tears fall down her face and starts to realize what she has to do. She sighs under her breath. "Sorry, Mum and Dad but I gotta do this."

She makes her way back towards the fire exit and through the corridor. Instead of heading back towards her cell or the living area that she was occasionally locked up in with the other girls, She found herself walking on and on until she found herself knocking at Chapman's door.

A shout came from the other side of the door. "Come in."

She enters the room before she could possibly change her mind and slams the door with a loud bang behind her.

Chapman smiles. "Ah, Guinevere What an unexpected surprise." He leans back in his chair almost like he was the godfather or someone with a whole lot of power. He stares at her up and down. He thought to himself, "Yes. She definitely would make an excellent wife." He was pleased with himself because in his mind he had chosen the right girl.

Finally, after all these years that search would end. He finally had wife number two in his sights and would no longer have to go back in time or even bother with this institution no longer. He didn't care that he would lose money or end up bankrupt even. Money was no longer his priority now because now he had Guinevere.

His confidence was soaring now. He knew exactly the way this was going to go. He rubs his hands with glee and sits forward waiting with anticipation for her to say it.

She took a deep breath and blurted it out before she could change her mind. "I'll marry you."

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