Chapter 18

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Guinevere was sat alone in Chapman's office.
How long she had been there.. She didn't know.

But she knew she had been there long enough to make her decision.

She had to do something.. She couldn't let the girls Francine and Mary and Riley be trapped here with that slime ball.

Suddenly she heard a key fiddling about in the door.

It was that slime all Chapman.

He smiled at her as he closed the door. "I trust you have made a decision Guinevere."

She stood up off the floor and nodded. "Yeah.. I have."

He taps his foot impatiently. "And?."

She looks away from him. "I'm not a 100 percent okay with betraying my friends but I'll stay with you.. If it means they can leave."

He nodded smiling and walked toward her and uses his hand to lift up her chin making her look at him. "You made the right decision dear..I'll let you say Goodbye of course but after that you have to settle into your new life here."

She smiles nervously. "Thank you.."

He kisses her. "You're welcome dear.. After your friends have gone, We will need to set about sorting out the wedding preparations immediately.. I want you to be my wife as soon as possible."

She nodded."That's a good idea and well that's understandable of course.. After all I am gorgeous."

He smirks. "Yes.. You are that indeed.."

He shouts out for his assistant Lisa. "Lisa!.."

Lisa comes running into the room so fast that paperwork falls out of her hands and the door bangs against the wall.
"Y..Yes Sir?."

Charles Chapman did not look happy with his assistant. He paid her to always be on guard whenever he needed her and now important paperwork lay on the floor.

He thinks to himself. "Note to self fire Assistant and look for a decent replacement immediately."

He smiles at his assistant. "Clean this mess up and take Guinevere here back to her cell."

Lisa nodded. "At once sir."

Lisa quickly picked up all the paperwork but kept dropping several of them on the floor.

Guinevere couldn't stand to see her struggle. She stepped forward and started to help her. "Here.. Let me help you."

Lisa looked at Guinevere gratefully. "Thank you.."

Guinevere picked up the last of the paperwork which of course contained files of patients.

She handed it over to Lisa and then followed her out of the office.

She followed Lisa into her own office and placed the files in the safe.

Lisa beckons Guinevere to follow her and as they walk down the corridor she smiles at Guinevere. "Thanks for earlier.. I really can't afford to lose my job."

Guinevere smiles. "It's fine.. Anyone in my position would've done the same."

Lisa grins. "Still though.. If you ever need me to return the favour or if you ever needed anything then I'm right here.."

Guinevere looks at Lisa and thinks back to when they first met. She hated her mainly because she worked for that slime ball Chapman but now she can see that is not her fault and that Lisa is really a nice person.

They arrive at Guinevere's cell and Lisa calls for a Guard to unlock it.

The guard unlocks the door and Guinevere steps in greeted by her worried friends as Guinevere waves goodbye to possibly a new friend and ally Lisa.

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