Chapter 4

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Guinevere gets pushed into a familiar place and the door slams shut behind her.

She walks down the room of Chapman's office and sits down waiting.

Chapman arrives a few minutes later via another door on the other side of his office.
"Ah Guinevere.. So nice to see you again, I trust you've made yourself at home?."

Guinevere nodded "I know what you do.. You can't stop us from lying you know."

He grins "I can and I will.. Go on."
She frowns "Tell me why you lie or at least why most people lie."

Guinevere shrugs "Mostly to protect people's feelings I should imagine."

He laughs "Wrong!.. So wrong on many levels."

Guinevere was taken aback slightly. "Why do people lie then..?"

He leans forward toward her over the desk. "Because people are ashamed of themselves so they create a borderline obsessive fantasy that they are someone they're not and sooner or later they believe it or they can't stop the lie."

He clears his throat and continues "Lies get bigger and snowball into a bigger lie until it's out of control..It's my job to protect you from that."

Guinevere gasps. "But you can't do that.. You have no right.."

He smiles "Times have changed so I do have that right."

She frowns "How?.. "

He smirks "We'll skip the trival part of how I came to be here.. But around 6 months ago that's where things really started.. Women began lying to their husbands.. It may have looked usual to you but then it started to be an epidemic.. Every woman was doing it."

She shrugged "Women lie.. What's the big deal?."

He laughs "Are you saying its a coincidence?"

She nodded "That's exactly what I'm saying."

He reaches into a drawer and grabs a bunch of newspapers and hands it to her. "I meant every woman was lying at exactly the same time simultaneously.. Is that normal to you?."

She shrugged "I don't know.. I've yet to see the evidence where its abnormal."

He smiles "At first we thought it may have been the water supply.. perhaps a new drug that we don't yet know about was thrown into our water systems and our rivers."

He empties his throat again. "Some people were getting there water from a pump in the town so we checked that and found nothing."

Guinevere frowns "So it could be normal then?."

He shakes his head "Is this normal?." He pointed to an article that reads:
Villagers get out their pitchforks

Today Anger boils in the town as every male occupant has been sharpening up their pitchforks and running nearly every woman out the town.

Because they lie.
Lately it's been difficult in the town as women have been lying to their husbands virtually at the same time.

Some of the women have also had strange symptoms like babbling nonsense.
Nobody knows what has caused this to happen but the men in the town seem adamant not to trust another woman in the town again.

Some of the few women came to give us an interview. They asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.
"I'm scared that it's going to happen to me... It's happened one by one with Two or Three women simultaneously and there's a very good chance it'll happen to me too."

Another woman said,
"The men don't trust us anymore.. We feel backed into a corner they've even turned violent to several of us but I suspect that is down to their drinking after the recent months.

People are officially at breaking point so if any scientists or anyone can help.. Now is the time to come forward.

She looked up after reading the article. "What's this gotta do with me?.. I'm not from around here."

He nodded "That's true you are not.. But you and the other girls are here as a precaution.. There's a fear that this could happen everywhere."

She looks wide eyed at him. "How?..And most importantly how do they do it?."
He shrugged "We don't know how.. But all you need to know is we have a suspect."

She frowns "Well unless He can time travel I don't see how."

He raises his eyebrow at her.

She looks shocked realising what his expression meant. "Your telling me He can travel in time?."

He nodded "We are beginning to suspect so yes.. He's been witnessed at several different Time Zones.. So far this facility is our only idea on how we can fix it.. That is until we manage to stop it of course.

She bites her lip. "Well your going to have a hard time stopping us lying."

He smirks "Not if I can help it.. I meant what I said earlier.. You were chosen"

She frowns and strutters. "What..What do you mean?.

He sighs and thinks about explaining but then he thought better of it. "This conversation is over."

He yells for his receptionist and favourite assistant Lisa. She comes running quickly "Yes sir?."

He smiles at her "See our guest out will you?.. And I'd like to have a word with you later if I may?."

She grins "Of course sir.

Lisa takes Guinevere and exits the office with her together whilst Guinevere looks back a moment at him over her shoulder.

She had a sneaking suspicion that he had an ulterior motive.

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