Chapter 16

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Chapman was alone in his office thinking about the ultimatum that Guinevere had left for him.

He still wanted to marry her of course but he couldn't afford to let the other girls go.

What if of course he got bored of her?.. That what be the only reason for keeping the girls and of course his second reason.. He just couldn't risk other people out there finding out what he was up to and finding out what he had been doing.

That was it.. He made up his mind.. He was going to marry Guinevere whether she liked it or not.

He smiles to himself. "After all.. I am very much still in control and I always will be."

It was a chess game to him.. A Chess game he knew he would win..

Now it was time to summon Guinevere and let her know of his decision.

He summoned his assistant and asked her. "Find Guinevere and bring her to me.. Do not keep me waiting."

The assistant nodded "Yes sir." And scurried off to carry out his orders.

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