Chapter 7

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As Chapman left the room the other girls were left to talk with themselves. The news had greatly shocked them and already rivalry was beginning.

Francine snaps "Stop it all of you.. There's no way in hell he's going to choose any of us but we are just going to have to face the fact that we are stuck here!."

Mary snorts "It's obvious why he came in here.. He's more interested in her.."

Guinevere looked up with a start and realized Mary was looking at her.. "Your joking aren't you?.. I've done nothing but caused problems for him since I got here remember?."

Riley pipes up. "She's got a point Mary.. It can't be her.."

Francine sighs "Yeah but it has to be her.. Or one of us.. He hasn't shown an interest in one of us since we got here and that was the first time he's talked to us since he explained what this facility is for and the rules etc.. Etc.."

Guinevere groans "Why would he like me?.. I hate the Jerk."

Riley shrugs "He has been a bit more lenient than he is with us.."

Guinevere frowns "How do you mean?."

Francine nodded agreeing "Yeah usually he's like some drill sergeant or something and when we don't obey the rules he punishes us very severely."

Francine lifts up her top and shows  Guinevere the bruises on her hip.

Guinevere frowns "Great.. Now I hate him even more.. Even if he asks me to marry him.. I'll definitely say no."

Riley raises her eyebrow. "If he offers you a way out of here?."

Guinevere shrugs "I'm not sure he can.."

Mary nodded "Riley's right.. If there was an opportunity to get out of here we'd take it.. Even if that means marrying him."

Guinevere thinks about Mary's words carefully. In her shoes would she do the same and end up marrying some kind of wife beater or would she prefer to be stuck here forever.
She shakes her head wildly "There's gotta be a way out of here than marrying that idiot."

Mary shakes her head "If there was.. Don't you think we would've thought of it by now?.."

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