Chapter 3

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Guinevere gets escorted by Lisa to a patients room. As Lisa opens the bar door she looks at Guinevere. "He isn't a bad man you know.. He's just trying to help you."

Guinevere frowned " kidnapping me you mean?!.. Whatever it is you've got to say in his defence.. I'm not interested."

Lisa protests.. "But..."
Guinevere looks at Lisa and points to her lips. "Read.....My ...Lips...I don't Care.."

Lisa sighs defeatedly and pushes Guinevere into the patients room. Lisa locks the door behind Guinevere and leaves.

Guinevere looks around the room. The room was pretty bare with no posters and a crappy TV with limited programs. It was as if there was as little as possible connecting them to the outside world.

Sitting on very little furniture were 3 girls.
They stepped toward their new visitor. "Hi I'm Francine.." She pointed to the others."That's Mary and Riley".

Guinevere smiles at them "Hi I'm Guinevere.. So um.. What is this place exactly?."

Francine grins "Haven't you worked it out yet?.. This place is where the naughty girls go.. The ones that lie."

Guinevere frowns "Wait what do you mean?."

Francine sits down. "Do you know the date today?"

Guinevere nodded "11th of January 2016."

Francine sighs "Mary show her your watch."

Mary holds out her watch and Guinevere reads the date. "11th of January 2018." Guinevere gasps "No..way you aren't suggesting this Chapman guy is some sort of wierd Time travelling kidnapping lunatic..Are you?."

Francine nodded "That's exactly what he is.. You see he hates liars and now the people in the nearby towns agree with him and everytime someone lies they disappear not just from this time zone but all the time zones throughout history."

Guinevere frowns "But wouldn't that really mess up history."

Francine groans "Please don't question me on the science.."

Mary laughs "It's obvious.. He doesn't take people that are from a fixed point in history like the Titanic for example.. Or according to rumours he takes people that he fancies."

Riley snorts "Yeah that's if the rumours are to be believed.. Like I've heard that some people were taken here and they promised to never tell another lie."

Guinevere looks at her wide eyed."What happened to them?."

Riley shrugged "Apparently they were taken to another room in this facility treated like queens and had anything they wanted."

Guinevere blinks "But couldn't they go home?."
Mary shakes her head. "He takes people honey.. He doesn't send them back.. In fact I'm not sure he can.."

Guinevere looks at Francine."What happens if you tell a lie?."

Francine shrugs "Apparently you get 3 strikes..3 chances or you get punished."

Guinevere goes to sit in the corner sobbing.
Francine goes to hug her "It's okay.. It's a bit of a shock isn't it?."

Mary groans looking at her dress. It was black with pink skirt. "This is the dress I was taken in." She walked towards Guinevere and shows her behind "Tell me.. Does my bum look big in this."

Guinevere frowns unsure wether to tell the truth and hurt her feelings or lie and protect her feelings. At the same time she sensed an opportunity to get out of here.

"No.. Not at all" Mary grins Thank you!

Suddenly an alarm rings and at the same time Francine and Riley hit Mary and yell at the same time "What did you do that for?!."

Mary shrugged "Sorry Guinevere no hard feelings but I want to get out this crap hole and into that paradise room.. And how better to do it than get the bosses attention."

Two Guards come running to the bolted bar door. The guards look at Guinevere. "The boss wants to see you Guinevere."

Mary screams as Guinevere was lead away. "But I want to see the Boss!.. I want to get out of here."

Francine frowns at Mary. "When you've finished having your tantrum and behaving like a toddler... We all want to get out of here remember..?!"

Mary stamps her feet "I don't care!.. It's not fair."
Riley gets up annoyed and slaps her face. "Get a grip Mary.. I have news for you love.. Life's not fair.."

Mary rubs her cheek in shock but thankfully the shock alone was enough to shut her up.

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