Chapter 13

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Guinevere sat in the corner of the bedroom she shared with the girls curled up in a ball.

The girls whispered between themselves unsure whether to approach her.

The girls decided Angelica should talk to her. Angelica sighs "Fine.. It always has to be me.."

She walked toward Guinevere. "Honey, Are you alright?.. How did it go?."

Guinevere shrugs "I don't know actually.. There's good news and bad news."

Misty stepped forward and sighed sarcastically. "The good news is?."

Guinevere swallows nervously. "He's willing to let you all return home."

The girls all cheer elatedly very pleased with the news until Angelica stopped them. "She said there was bad news remember."

Rainie nodded "She's right.. What's the bad news Guinevere?. "

Guinevere seems reluctant to say anything in fear that if she says it.. It might become real.

Angelica holds Guinevere's hand. "Honey, Whatever it is you can tell us.. We are with you 100 Percent."

Misty frowned at Angelica. "Wait.. We are?."

Angelica gives her a look as if to say "Hey don't ruin all my hard work in trying to get her to open up."

Misty nodded "Right.. We are here for you 100 percent."

Guinevere sat up slowly gaining confidence now. "Okay.. Well he did say that he would send you back but there was a catch."

Angelica bit her lip nervously. "What kind of catch honey?."

Guinevere sighs "He wants me to stay here and Marry him."

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