Chapter 15

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As she reaches Chapman's office she takes a deep breath and then opens the door.

Chapman smiles "Ah Guinevere.. I wondered where you got to... I trust you've made the right decision?."

Guinevere rolls her eyes at him nodding. "I've made a decision but me and you have a difference of opinion whether it's the right one."

He nodded understanding. "I see.. And your decision is?."

Guinevere closed her eyes for a moment. "Last chance to back out now.. Be brave.. Be brave."

She opened her eyes again. "I'll stay with you but on one condition."

Chapman looks at her with surprise. He had expected her to fight him but for him this was too easy. "I'm not sure your in a position to be making conditions."

She walks towards his desk and leans over the desk. "I mean it otherwise me and the other girls are out of here."

He smirked "How?.. How do you plan to get out of here?."

Then it dawns on him gradually. "You don't plan to go back to your time lines if I refuse to send you back.. Your going to try living in this era instead."

She nodded and Chapman claps and laughs at her. "Well I admire your courage but don't underestimate me.. I will find you even if you do manage to escape my clutches."

She walks behind his desk and grabs the scruff of his neck. "I said I'll marry you but you have to let the girls go."

He grins. "I'm the one in charge here not you."

She sighs "You wanted me you got want you want now let them go."

He sucks his cheeks in thinking about what she wanted into his brain. "Your right of course.. Alright then I'll think about it."

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