Chapter 28- The Foiled Escape

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Guinevere was running out of breath but she dare not stop for fear she may be caught by Chapman. Charles Chapman, The Deranged guy who wishes to marry her simply for her friends freedom But Guinevere wasn't fooled because it wasn't like he was gonna let her friends go or her either was it?

No, she has witnessed too much of what he was capable of and what he could be capable of in the future. How crazy was she to even consider staying with him if it meant her friends would have the life and freedom they so deserved?

But was it selfish of her to agree to the very idea and then promptly changing her mind at the last minute?

Her friends will probably think so but why should she risk her life for a bunch of wierd strangers that she has just met? Then again they are in the same position that she is, Who's to say they wouldn't marry him for her or rather be a coward just like her and go on the run?

The thoughts continue swirling around her head. Was running the right thing to do? She accepts that this is an impossible situation to be in so, should she turn back and face Chapman's wrath if he found out that she tried to run or carry on running and risk being caught anyway?

She breathes more heavily now navigating the streets with the ongoing fear of seeing Chapman around every corner.

She hadn't got very far when her worst fear had indeed been realised, She turned right into the next corner and there he was waiting for her.

He stares at her clearly very angry with his arms crossed. "And where do you think you're going?"

Gwen stutters nervously. "Nowhere?"

Chapman smiles evilly. "Good answer!, Let's get you back to the church shall we?" He added. "Look's like I will have to keep a very close eye on you. After all, We don't want you getting lost again do we?"

Gwen shakes her head and allows him to turn her around taking her back to the church itself.

They arrive back to the church in no time at all but this time Chapman was not taking any chances.

He realised now he could not trust her that he did not have a choice. He takes Gwen into an office at the back of the church and sits her down. He wraps duck tape around her hands onto each arm chair so she couldn't escape from the chair itself or rather Him.

He watches her intensely whilst taking his phone out of his pocket. He dials a number and dreads the call that he wishes that he didn't have to make. "Lisa my dear, Perhaps I was a little hasty in firing you after all we are all human beings and we can all make mistakes. I, Have just learned that lesson myself."

He looks at her with a smile as if he was talking about her which he was but he wasn't about to make it obvious to Lisa who he was talking about especially as he now knows that he cannot trust nobody at this moment in time.

Lisa was very surprised by all this. "What exactly are you saying sir?"

He empties his throat. "I am saying dear that you are in fact from this moment rehired."

She gasps. "Are you freaking serious?"

He sighs. "Deadly serious so get to my office as fast you can because I have a job for you."

Lisa squeals in excitement. "Of course sir, I'll be there right away."

10 minutes later Lisa comes bumbling through the door like the klutz she is. "Thank you so much for this opportunity sir!, I promise you I won't let you down again."

Guinevere mutters under her breath, "Ergh she is such a suck up."

Chapman grins happily. "I am glad you said that Lisa my dear because I have a very important job for you to do."

Lisa nodded. "Yes sir, You said that on the phone. What do you want me to do sir?."

He walks closer to Lisa and points to Gwen. "I want you to keep an eye on Guinevere until we are ready to start the wedding."

Lisa nodded. "Of course sir, I guarantee she will not be leaving this room."

He grins evilly. "Excellent, Well Id better get our wedding guests ready which are of course Guinevere's dear friends after all."

He smiles at Guinevere and opens the door muttering under his breath. "I have a feeling it's going to be a great day today after all."

He closes the door behind him and suddenly the room was filled with silence but just two people unsure of what to do next.

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