Chapter 25- The decision is yours.

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Guinevere looked at Mary open-mouthed. "No..No..Absolutely not!..I know exactly what your getting at and it is not happening!"

She sat down in tears inside a window sill and Mary walked up to her. "Look, I know it's hard but you're the only chance we've got."

Riley nodded. "She's right.. We need you Guinevere."

Francine shot Riley a look that told her to shut up.

After everything the girls have been through she didn't need Riley making it worse for them all and it was especially harder on Guinevere as it is.

Guinevere got up and pushed Mary away from trying to comfort her.. she needed some air. She banged on the Cell door. "Let me out I need some air!"

Charles Chapman must've been watching on the CCTV Camera's because suddenly the door buzzed and opened in front of her.

Mary follows her closely behind and decided when she caught up with her that she would make Guinervere see sense.

She turned left and half way down the corridor was a fire exit that was surprisingly not armed as she pushed it.

To Guinevere's surprise she found herself outside in a garden which could be peaceful with one small difference because the garden was surrounded by tall barbed wire fences which stood as a stark reminder for Guinevere that this was as closest to prison as she could get.

She turned around to see Mary standing in the doorway out of breath trying to catch up with her

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She turned around to see Mary standing in the doorway out of breath trying to catch up with her. "Please...We..Need..To..Talk..About.. this."

Guinevere frowned at her. "WE don't need to do anything!.. I am not going to marry that guy and be a replacement for his dead wife."

Mary breathed slowly and finally got her breath back. "You may not have a choice.. It may be the only way we can get out of here..Don't you want to see your family again?."

She nodded. "Of course I do.. It's just marrying that guy in there could be a fate worse than death..If the choice came..I would rather be stuck here and still alive thanks..We have no idea what he's capable of."

Mary shook her head. "It's not about what he's capable of..It's what you are capable of, remember that.."

Mary smiled at Guinervere and put on her game face. "Now.. Are you a woman or a Coward?."

Guinevere could hear voices in her head. "Coward! Coward! Don't do it.. Don't marry that freak..for all you know he could kill you whenever he gets bored of you.. Coward! Coward."

Guinevere shook her head to shake the voices off.. "Truthfully?.. I don't really know.."

Mary grinned. "I have faith in you girl..I guess time will tell.."

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