Harry for Shay

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a/n: I made it for Harry since I really didn't know what to do for the guy, if you want a different one let me know. 

The first day of school: the most wonderful day of the year. It was so wonderful songs should be written about it that praises the Egyptians for their creation. The heavily thick sarcasm floated through my thoughts as my dad dropped me off. He offered a smile which was completely unnecessary.  Flipping my long curly hair over my shoulder I head into the building not looking forward to what lie ahead for me.

Clutching the paper that held my locker number I trudged up the stairs lugging my back pack with me. It wasn’t fun. The preps were clustered around their queen-God forbid she leaves. My presence was ignored as I passed checking the sides for my number. I really wanted a top locker, but genetics kept that from being a plausible thing for me to have.

I stared up at my number with a sigh hearing a sigh from behind me. Quietly I stepped to the side knowing which ever popular guy it was wouldn’t want to be bothered with my nerdy presence. Much to my surprise I wasn’t met with a clean cut blonde, but with a dark tattooed covered curly haired boy. I could name every single person in this school having worked with them on a project and written about them online-discreetly of course- and he was not one of them.

His deep green eyes glistened with a small sliver of innocence that was masked by his outer appearance. “Um, h-hi.” I squeaked not sure how to approach him.

The guy offered a melting smirk that slowly turned into a smile. “So you have the top one?” he asked with a deep throaty rasp.

“Y-yes.” I stuttered trying to keep a self -control because come on-this was a hot guy and he was talking to me!

“And I have the bottom.” He continued straitening up a little his height being a bit intimidating. “Logically, it only makes sense that we switch for the benefit of our glorious school experience.”

I then proceeded to let out the most embarrassing sound I could ever produce in a laugh. “Yeah, I guess it does.” I heaved out trying to remember how to breathe as he opened the locker looking my way. “I’m Shay by the way.”

“Harry.” His name was Harry. Every ounce of Potterhead was ready to release itself at the fact that one, his name was Harry and two he had green eyes.

“Do you like Harry Potter?” I asked now slightly more comfortable around despite how scary his tattoos were.

“Of course, who doesn’t?” Harry scoffed pushing his stuff inside.

“And you’re new.” I pointed out.

“Obviously.” A cute little dimple pooled out of his cheek.

“And-just to clarify- you don’t now or ever have the desire to be popular.”

“Kitten, that thought went out the door when I woke up this morning, look at me I am the reason that there are curfews, the reason fathers lock their doors, hell, and you probably will have a ton of rumors made up about you by the time we leave this spot.” Harry’s green eyes flickered my way staring directly into mine.

“Well it’s quite obvious I’m not either.” I managed to choke out under his intense stare.

Harry bit his plump pouty lips for a second before crouching down to my height at my locker. His large knuckled hands gripped the top of the door for support. “We have the same color eyes.” He crooned. “And you’re such a cute little blonde,” a nimble finger caught one of my curls twisting and twirling it; “we can’t possibly be a bad match now could we?”

“I-I guess not.” I had the over whelming desire to attack his lips just to see if kissing was what it was like in fan fictions, but I refrained because this was not fan fiction (oh but it is) and I just met the guy.

“Then why don’t you give me the grand tour to this prison we will be reporting to and get to know me? We’ll see how well it goes.”

Nodding I rose leading him back down the hall passing the popular group. Now I felt a sense of pride as I passed them, none of them were hanging out with this hot guy were they? No.

“Assholes.” I muttered out of ear shot earning a chuckle from Harry, it was the best kind of laugh: low and throaty.

“I think Shay, that this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.” He mused throwing a sleeved arm over my shoulder.

“I couldn’t agree more Harry.” It was.

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