Pt. Eighty-Nine Charlie - Felix Wraps up the Briefing

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A/N: This chapter is written with you, the reader, like a fly on the wall witnessing Felix wrapping up the briefing of his youthful mobsters for the Sunday event. It contains, at some length, several of the characteristics of the date-rape drug together with details of the symptoms a person of average health who has imbibed a quantity of this drug when mixed with alcohol might suffer. This was a 'fashionable' drug in the 1980's, other concoctions might well have superseded Rohypnol today, but it is still out there. Be careful! I have read that the legitimately manufactured drug will exude a blue dye when mixed with alcohol. Generics illegally manufactured in back-street laboratories will not- but may exude other life threatening afflictions. I am not medically qualified and although I believe what I have written here from my research is accurate it MUST NOT be taken as advice as it could be wrong or incomplete. It is for the individual to obtain advice from properly qualified health professionals. For those that might be at risk, the young and vulnerable, I hope this encourages you to seek that advice so that you are better able to protect yourself should you come under threat. For that is the real purpose of this chapter. Now read on:

Part Eighty-Nine Charlie.

Felix stood up to address the youths sat on the bed from where he had crouched at the bottom of the bed while playing the director.

"Get the idea? ... At this point Dusty comes from back of the camera with Jess showing all he's got and in the right position fer Dusty to stand at the end of the bed and get on with what he's there to do."

The boys were spellbound, their mouths agape. One by one they began clapping. Felix flushed pink with pleasure. "I told Charlie I'd make a pretty good director"

"That's beautiful Felix."

"That'll work if he's doped enough."

"Leon shook his head vigorously. "Nah! This ain't gonna happen. You'll never get Jess to do that, drugs or not. He's a scaredy cat and will flit first, b'lieve me he will."

"No he will not! " Felix yelled, hammering his side with his fist, "Listen to me. The people Charlie wants to sell Jess to need to see him in action. That's why he's doin' this thirteenth pose. Jess don't know its gonna happen. He only thinks he's doin' a friggin' studio shoot and it's gotta stay that way. Got it!"

The news raised some catcalls from the boys before Felix shut them down with a rap of his knuckles on the top of the chest of drawers.

"It's crucial Jess gets to like Dusty before the camera rolls. ...Leon; that's why you gotta get Jess there at the bungalow on the stroke of 12:15 and then get yourself lost, sudden like..."

Leon raised a hand and interrupted Felix.

"Where do I get lost to, you got somewhere fer me to go hide?"

"Good question, show's you're usin' yer brain instead o' poisonin' it with the shit you take all the time. OK, this is how it'll work. You park your car in the first space and walk to the bungalow. Let Jess get half a step ahead o' you. You'll walk past a black Lexus with one-way glass. Just as you get to the car, Charlie's boys'll come out and start givin' Jess a hard time. They'll screen yer from him fer about five seconds. In that time you go to the back door o' the car, the door'll open fer yer. Get in and close the door, remember, you got five seconds before Jess'll be lookin' fer yer. You can see out from the car, but nobody can see you in there. Wait there until you see Dusty take Jess inside then you can get out and make yer way to the kitchenette. Kyler'll be waitin' there fer yer. Got it?"

Leon nodded. "Black Lexus, back seat. Got it!"

"Good, Now where was I. Oh yeah, One second you're there walkin' to the bungalow wi' Jess and next you're not. You're gone an' nowhere's to be seen. Charlie's boys'll work Jess over, scaring him badly enough for him to be real grateful to Dusty when he gets rescued. Charlie says it'll work 'cos Dusty'll be the only friendly face around. He ain't got no other choices, and so Jess'll go along with him just to be under his protection, and be obliged to him too. That's human nature fer normal people they tell me. Sounds like shit to me, but Charlie does it all the time and say's it works. Anyways, that's the plan."

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